Dog Videos
CategorySharpei Mix Stray Going Blind Wants to See Again
Stevenson, a Sharpei mix was picked up as a stray in the city of Chicago. When found, he was dirty, hungry and underweight, but what surprised Chicago Animal Care and Control (CACC) was that he cou…
Cuteness overload! Baby cuddles puppy for nap time
Here’s something for your daily dose of cuteness!
We all love how sweet dogs can be when it comes to babies. And we know just how adorable they look when they’re together. In this video, a puppy…
The Girl Just Got A Puppy, But What She Doesn’t Realize? OMG
This video from titled “Stop The Cycle” reveals how many people unknowingly line the pockets of those responsible for this type of dog abuse. It’s hard to watch, but it’s a sad reality.
A Man Just Passed Out In The Street, But Wait Till You See What The Dog Does…
The sight of a loyal dog protecting his owner who just passed out in the street is extremely heartwarming. There’s a reason we call them “man’s best friend.”–3I4oY
He’s Walking His Dogs Along The Bay When They Notice THIS. What They Do? Wow!
David Ferrier was walking his two Golden Retrievers, Morgan and Riley, along the bay when they spotted some dolphins in the water. The curious dogs just had to go investigate!
By the end, a …
They Heard A Weird Noise Come From Their Neighbor’s Balcony And Found A Dog In Need
Presumably unable to resist the view from his high-rise apartment in Colombia, this little dog stuck his body through the railings…but quickly found himself dangling by his back paws.
Her Puppies Were Stolen And She Lived In The Trash, But She Never Gave Up On Life
Every year, approximately 3.9 million dogs enter animal shelters across the United States.
Whether they’re left out in the cold or surrendered by humans who can’t take care of them, the fact rem…
Orangutan and Dog Become Best Friends at a Wildlife Refuge
This odd couple has had a special picture book created all about their friendship. After meeting at a wildlife refuge, they quickly became best buds, and their antics make for some great photo oppo…
The Sweetest Puppy Says Bye Bye To The Mean Streets. HOORAY!
Fram is the most deserving, sweet puppy. Boy, am I glad he was rescued just in time. Covered in ticks and fleas, he must’ve been miserable. Thanks to rescuers, he’s doing fantastic. Now, all he nee…
Patient Dog Walks Slowly So His Elderly Human Can Keep Up With Him
We love our dogs for a million different reasons. One of those reasons is because they are thoughtful and understanding. And the video below is one example of how thoughtful and understanding dogs …
This Dog Has A Funny Way Of Telling The Puppy To Quiet Down
We love puppies. They are very friendly, very playful, and when they learn how to bark, they can be very noisy! Some older dogs can’t take all the energy and the noise, so they sometimes have to do…
Touching Reunion: Marine Veteran Finds Missing Service Dog
The pair were separated only briefly, overnight, but to Marine veteran Chris Galliher, it likely seemed an eon since he’d seen Raider, the service dog who has been so indispensable in his transitio…
Meet Michael, “The Man That Rescues Dogs”
About 14 years ago, Michael J. Baines, better known on social media as The Man That Rescues Dogs, left his home in the United States and went to Thailand to work in a restaurant. While at work, a …
She Was Devastated When Her Dog Disappeared 2 Years Ago — But He Was Finally Found!
Two years ago, Debbie Petranck lost her best friend. Her pug-nosed terrier Zeus wandered away from home and was nowhere to be found.
She searched high and low for her little pup, going so far as…