Dog Videos
CategoryEveryone (Almost) into the Pool! Golden Pup Practices His Paddle
Do golden retrievers love the water? Splish, splash, they do! And sometimes they even practice the doggie paddle before diving in, as demonstrated (in a YouTube video posted by NewWorld) by an ador…
They Put Baby On The Floor, But When Puppy Does THIS, Dad Can’t Stop Laughing!
In a video that’s been seen over eight million times, watch in delight as Shortie puppy Wicket gets deep in conversation with Baby Sophie. Sophie’s parents call her a bona fide dog whisperer, and I…
Adorable Dog Wants To Be Wrapped In A Blanket
Dogs are the only animals who love to burrow in blankets, and it is believed that they do so to display their heritage of driving small animals away from their homes by burrowing. Pet experts also …
When Your Human Hits Just the Right Spot
This dog has FINALLY got his human to find that spot. The one he can’t always reach so well, and once she finds it, there’s no reason to let her stop!
Rescued Pit Bull Does Some Rescuing of Her Own
Bella is a three-legged rescue pit bull, and her human is Grace Kuhn. Recently, the dog decided that she would do a little of her own rescuing, and “adopted” a litter of kittens that were orphaned…
A Dog’s Best Friend Is His Pizza?
This dog knows exactly who is best friend is. Until pizza becomes involved, that is. Then all bets are off, an pizza is the “paws down” winner!
This Dog Rides A Tricycle Like A Human!
Dogs are intelligent creatures. They can be trained to do almost anything. We’ve seen dogs who can ride a bike, a scooter, and even drive a car (well…sort of!). There’s just so many things a dog ca…
You Are About To See Something That Is Truly Adorable And Off The Charts – EPIC!
This little video will floor you. A Chinese lady is preparing a meal for four puppies. The dogs wait patiently for their meal. We mean they sit still and do not move a muscle in an erect stance as …
The Dog Approaches A Car Blaring Loud Music. What He Does Is Hilariously Unexpected!
One of the reasons dogs are man’s favorite pets is because they share more similarities with humans more than other animals. Some other reasons are dog’s high level of intelligence, fast learning a…
The Most Polite Dogs In The World Sweetly Raise Their Paws For A Treat
You can teach an old dog new tricks and you can maybe teach a new dog old tricks. But can you teach any dog human tricks?
Well, we’ve seen a pup proclaim her love for her human, and we’ve even s…
Helpful Video Shows What Our Dogs Should And Shouldn’t Eat
It’s a well-known fact that dogs shouldn’t eat chocolate; even eating just a little big can give your furry friend a stomachache, whereas a large amount can lead to very serious medical complicatio…
Group Of Dogs Runs To Cool Off In A Watering Hole
When a dog owner tells these dogs to have a drink on her Australian farm, they waste no time in running to the local watering hole… an actual watering hole, that is. It’s incredible to watch how fa…
Mom Films Her Adorable Herd Of Dogs Sleeping Peacefully
It was a perfectly normal Easter afternoon. The morning weather had been beautiful and the whole family got together for a giant feast filled with laughter, love, and fun.
But that family has mo…
Sherlock Bones Is On The Case!
This mystery will be solved because Sherlock Bones is on the case! Get ready to see celebrity dog Crusoe take on the cutest role yet as the charming detective we all know and love. That costume is …