Dog Videos
CategoryStolen Dog Goes Absolutely Bonkers When He Sees His Dad for the First Time in Two Years
Two years ago, José Andaverde needed a friend to look after his dog Chaos when he was going through some hard times. But when the time came for Chaos to go home, the “friend” refused to give him u…
Five-Month-Old Takes On Two Labs in a Howling Contest
YouTube user Larry Woods‘ chocolate and yellow labs love a good howling competition. They do it all the time. So when Woods’ five-month-old son got in on it, no one was all THAT surprised.
Ginger Dog Is in Love with His Ginger Kitten
Meet Bubba and Rue. They’re a pair of gingers that are so darn cute together, it’s all but impossible to keep one’s self from squealing with delight! They met not long ago, and became friends very…
Budweiser’s PSA Uses The Power Of A Puppy’s Love To Stop Drinking And Driving
When you first start driving as a teenager, you’re often warned about the many dangers you may encounter on the road. But what adults can’t emphasize enough is that the greatest danger to yourself …
Dog And Little Girl Snuggle Up Together In The Cutest Way Possible
Anyone who has the pleasure of owning one will completely agree that dogs really make the best friends imaginable.
They are and have always been the most loyal, loving, and fun pets you could ev…
Labrador puppy babysits newborn baby
A very loving Labrador preciously watches over 3-week-old baby Elarose.
Have you ever witnessed anything as adorable as this? Truly a priceless moment!
Huge Bull Mastiff Plays The Piano After Little Girl Refuses To Kiss Him On The Mouth
Trying to win over the heart of someone you’re in love with can be hard to do. You really have to risk it all and tell them your feelings, and over the years, humans have gotten pretty good at show…
The Cutest Cuddle Buddies You’ll Ever See
Check out the face on that cat! Is that not the single happiest, and most satisfied looking cat you’ve ever seen? We’d most likely have that look on our faces if we got to take a nap with the two…
Dog Smiles Really Big for a Selfie
Most people can’t even get their dog to stay still for a selfie. This woman not only gets her dog to stay put and look at the camera, but the dog knows when to smile, too!…
Husky Throws a Hilarious Temper Tantrum for a Ridiculous Reason
We all know how full of personality huskies are, and how much they love to talk and argue. And we know that most dogs don’t like baths (bless the ones that do and make life that much simpler). Wh…
Boomer Hates Baths! (& Understands English)
Pitbull hates baths – a cute p[itbull dog hates taking a bath in this funny dog video. Dailyhaha is your daily dose of laughs!
Boomer is like, SUPER EXCITED to go…
Bow Wow Latte
Check out Tokyo’s Kohei Matsuno and how he creates images of owner’s dog in 3D art. Yum!
For millions in the morning the coffee shop is a necessary stopping-off point. That essential cup -…..
Dog Imagines Self as Next Beethoven
Playing piano AND singing at the same time is no easy task, but this dog makes it look so simple! Perhaps he’ll write this year’s feel good hit of the summer!…
When They Found This Stray Dog He Had An Injured Paw – Now Watch As He Gets Help
Recently, animal rescue organization Howl Of A Dog came across a stray roaming around an industrial area in Romania. When they approached the poor pup, they noticed he was licking a bloody wound on…