Dog Videos
CategoryDog returned to shelter for being too affectionate finds forever home
A dog was returned to a shelter because she was too affectionate, but Gillian Pensavalle (@GillianWithaG) explains there’s a bit more to the story.
Family in Turkey Brings Home Dying Puppy To Pass in Peace But He Surprises Them All
An American mom and her daughters were volunteering at a shelter with 4,000 dogs in Ankara, Turkey when they decided to bring home a litter of sick and dying pups to let them pass in peace but a mi…
Hendrix The Scared Homeless Dog Learns To Love And Trust Again
It is not uncommon these days to see many homeless dogs roaming the streets of Los Angeles. These dogs are forced to live in fear struggling to survive. Without a warm home with loving owners to ca…
When They Brought This Dog Home From The Shelter, They NEVER Expected This
Meet Thunder, the husky-shepherd mix who knows how to change lives. He started his story at a shelter. He was an abused dog when he arrived. Like millions of other animals, Thunder ended up there a…
A Dog Is Seen Dangling From The 13th Floor. But Wait Till You See Directly Below Him… OMG
This is one of the most amazing rescues that we have ever borne witness to and it serves as evidence that there are still great people in the world, people who will put their own safety and well be…
The Dog Approaches A Car Blaring Loud Music. What He Does Is Hilariously Unexpected!
One of the reasons dogs are man’s favorite pets is because they share more similarities with humans more than other animals. Some other reasons are dog’s high level of intelligence, fast learning a…
Local Kids Had Stolen All But 1 Of Her Pups. She Wasn’t About To Lose This One…
Pet abandonment in the world today has become a cause for concern. There are countless loving, and adoptable dogs that are put to death yearly. This is because the owners of these dogs abandon them…
The Dog Lady of New Delhi Feeds 400 Dogs a Day
Pratima Devi is known in her hometown as the Dog Lady of New Delhi, and for very good reasons. She loves dogs so much, and every day she takes the time to feed and care for over 400 stray dog…
Dog Who Spent NINE YEARS on a Chain Is Finally FREE!
For nine sad years, animal rescue worker Jessica Cochran visited Edith, a dog chained outside 24/7, doing anything she could to make her life better. Finally, when Edith’s family moved, they gave …
Garbage Man Rescues Puppy Who Was Thrown In The Trash
An ordinary garbage man from Indiana is now a living, breathing superhero.
While working outside one day in 2013, Muncie, IN sanitation department employee Michael noticed a bit of peculiar move…
These 3 Homeless Pups Were Huddled In Fear. But When They Realize They’re Being Rescued… Wow.
When three chihuahuas were abandoned in the streets of Los Angeles, there wasn’t much hope for the little dogs. Hungry and alone, all they had was each other.
That’s when the good people at Hope…
Military rescue dog hilariously demands scraps
This dog was rescued by the Marine Special Operations Command (MARSOC) team and is now living the good life. Watch him give a little reminder that he would like a treat in an extremely humorous way…
A Dog Who Thinks He’s A Seal Has Me Going CRAZZZZYYYY
Okay, so this pup isn’t wearing a costume or going out of his way to look like anything other than a dog, but seriously when he puts his ears back in pleasure, while being combed, can you tell me h…
A Surgical Assistant Soothes A Scared Puppy. Put Your Volume Way Up!
When you’re a puppy, the unknown can be scary. Especially surgery! Meesha had just been spayed and waking up felt a bit weird. She let out some whimpers. Dennis Moses, the surgery assistant, couldn…