Dog Videos
CategoryFormer Puppy Machine Finally Goes Outside for the First Time in Her Eight-Year Life
Poor Lexy here was the victim of a cruel backyard breeder. She had never received the proper care and love a dog deserves, and spent the entire first eight years of her life never once being allow…
This Dog Heard Her FAVOURITE Song And Did Something Her Human Just Had To Catch On Video!
When your song comes on, there are times when you can cut loose, sing along and start a one-man/woman dance party. And there are also times when we need to hold back and play it cool. But even when…
NFL Superstar Locks Himself In A Hot Car To Show What It’s Like For Your Dog. The Results? SCARY!
With the hot summer weather in full swing for many of us, it’s important for us to remember to NEVER leave our dogs in a hot car. Even if you think you’re just going to be a few minutes, it’s incre…
These Pit Bulls Were Dying On The Ground, Until A Hero Did The Unthinkable. At :43. I’m Floored.
If you’re a pet owner with a house on fire, then you know there’s the possibility that your pets may never get out alive. It’s a nightmare that many people have faced, but there are stories like th…
Two Angry Dogs Approach A Police Officer. What He Does Next? UNBELIEVABLE!
No animal control officer or police officer likes to get the call that vicious dogs are running around in a residential neighborhood. Officer David Gomez has heard that before – according to him at…
Mom Finds The Dog On The Unmade Bed. When She Says THIS? LOL
Mom sees her dog lying on the unmade bed, and he’s a little more stubborn than usual. When the offer of a treat doesn’t work, mom busts out the magic word… 😀
What Mom Caught On Camera Here Is Too Precious! Watch What The Dog Does…
These dogs are in love with their beds–and sleep isn’t the only reason! Just wait till you see these 13 lazy and crazy dogs. 😉
Rescued from a Korean dog meat farm: Cedric & Mendy
Meet Cedric & Mendy! Two beautiful Siberian Huskies who were “living” on a dog meat farm in South Korea destined for slaughter. Thankfully, Humane Society International stepped in and rescued the b…
Wild dog learns to love again – What an inspiring story!
No Kill Kern captured a dog living by a gas station approximately 30 miles from the closest town. She was completely feral, but over the course of a week the trainers were able to make major stride…
Pit Bull poisoned twice and left to die by owner
Will was left unsupervised and ate a lethal amount of rat poison. His “owner” wasn’t going to do much about it, but thankfully for his friends he made it to the vet hospital. After surviving and re…
This cat is breastfeeding a puppy who lost his mother
“The puppy in this video lost his mother a few days after he was born, and seeing that our cat just recently had kittens, we decided to put him in the litter of kittens as well. The cat immediately…
Man Tearfully Saying Goodbye To His Dog Shows Us How Hard It Is To Part With Our Furry Best Friends…
“Dogs’ lives are too short. Their only fault, really.” — Agnes Sligh Turnbull
We know that dogs only have an average lifespan of about 10 to 15 years. And we know that time will come when we hav…
Abused, Homeless Dog Refuses to Leave Without Her Friend
Sidewalk Specials is a rescue group out of Cape Town, South Africa. When they attempted to capture the sister of a street dog they had already saved, they were in for a challenge – she was hiding …
Everyone got surprised when they got there to rescue a dog family
By now, you must have been aware of Animal Aid Unlimited which is an Indian organization dedicated to help the animals as much as they can. This time, they are here with the story of a momma dog wh…