Dog Videos
CategoryAfter A Year At Sea, She Reunited With Her Pit Bull And Got The Best Reaction!
There’s nothing I love more than reconnecting and catching up with friends I haven’t seen in quite some time. In between our exchange of stories, there’s guaranteed to be plenty of hugs and maybe e…
These Rescue Pups Will Teach You An Important Lesson About Life’s Little Wonders
Because we’re afforded so many luxuries in life, we often forget just how precious they are.
When you walk outside on a warm summer day, for example, you probably pay no mind to the cool breeze…
Dog’s Reaction to Woman’s Kindness Will Warm Your Heart
Sometimes, all it takes is a simple act of kindness that brings about an act of gratitude that will almost restore any lost faith you may have in this world. In this video, a woman comes across a …
Shelter Worker Gets into Kennel to Comfort Terrified Abandoned Dog
Many of us do not know just how lucky we are NOT to be a dog sometimes, especially if you wind up like poor Prissy. She was abandoned and friendless in the world, but was thankfully rescued and br…
Mom Buries Beloved German Shepherd’s Ashes. When She Reveals His Tombstone, Unbelievable…
Our country has seen the return of many war heroes. No matter what they did overseas, anyone who served their country in a war zone is a hero. Some of the brave men and women who served saw action …
Little Bird Falls Out Of Her Nest And Injures Her Wings. Now Keep An Eye On Her Mama! OMG!
The Isle of Sheppey is located off the northern coast of Kent, England. On July 6, 2016, Rusty, the boxer was outside playing in his garden when a little bird fell out of her nest. Jurgita Peciulai…
A Breeder Surrendered A Puppy Barely Hanging On To Life. They Couldn’t Believe Their Eyes.
On the morning of July 5th, an unnamed breeder surrendered a 4-month-old puppy to animal control in Pennsylvania. The puppy was barely alive, covered in maggots, and smelled like rotten flesh. On t…
They Bring The Dog To Prison, And He Takes Off Running. Where He Goes? OMG
Many of the men and women who serve our country overseas (and at home) become disabled during their service. To help our disabled veterans who suffer mental and physical impairments, many of them g…
Homeless Puppy Bound to Die Is Given Her First Real Chance at Life
Melanie didn’t have a chance at life. Born on the street, she developed an infection that rotted her eye, got an illness from ticks, and was so badly infested with fleas that she was dying from an…
Legless Dog Has Unique Way to Get Around
Meet Hoppa, a legless dog who was born legless, but gets around in an unusual way…and that is just the beginning. His owner wanted Hoppa to be able to move more easily, especially when it came to …
His Owners Removed His Microchip Before Abandoning Him. Now, He’s In Search Of A Furever Home
Owners will often get their dogs microchipped so your dog can be returned to you if it gets lost. Wandering the streets of Athens, Greece was a dog, who was later named Combo. Combo was in terrible…
Sick Pup Was Hiding Behind The Shelf In This Room. When I Learned Why? I’m Heartbroken.
No one wants to die – even the poor, neglected, and abused dogs sitting in an animal shelter. Monday in an Alabama county shelter, a 5-year-old collie, made sure everyone knew he wasn’t about to le…
They Found A Stray Mama, But No Puppies. So, They Used An iPhone To Do THIS. Incredible!
When a momma’s baby cries, she will do just about anything to find them and help them! She’s the mom, and that is what moms do! Eldad Hager of Hope For Paws was contacted by START Rescue. Hager lea…
He Saw A “Dead” Dog In The Road. When He Carried Her Away From Traffic, A Miracle Happened!
A white spot appears on the road in front of you, as you get closer you see it is a dog lying motionless in the road! What do you do? David Loop, stopped his car in the middle of a Los Angeles road…