Dog Videos
CategoryTwo Puppies Found Abandoned And Shaking In A Cardboard Box Just Outside A Shelter
Two puppies were found abandoned outside a shelter, shaking in a cardboard box with only a dirty towel underneath them. The puppies were estimated to only be about three weeks old when they found them; both were just a little bit bigger than the rescuer’s hands when he picked them up.
A Sick and Swollen Stray Dog Fainted in Front of a Convenience Store
A poor dog was a sad sight in front of a convenience store — all sick and swollen. The stray dog seemed like she was only taking a good nap on the pavement, but it turns out she had already fainted.
Yorkie Clings To Hope After Being Paralyzed At A Puppy Mill
The National Mill Dog Rescue is accustomed to seeing dogs that are sick but recently, they had a Yorkshire Terrier come in that was in very bad shape. The terrier was not only suffering from malnutrition, he only weighed 2.2 pounds.
Pit Bull Returned Abused & Malnourished A Year After He Was Adopted
Staff at The Animal Foundation were relieved when one of their pit bull mixes was adopted, but everything came crashing down when his new owner returned him a year later, looking malnourished and abused.
A Sweet Rescue Dog Waits for Her Dad to Come Home by Staying in the Driveway
A lot of people can attest to the fact that dogs are one of the sweetest and most loyal beings in the world. They have these qualities that made them earn the title “man’s best friend” — dogs are indeed great companions.
Rescue Pug Goes Viral For Her ‘Dramatic’ Reaction To Landing In Canada
The clip was shared by TikToker Paniz Lautner who regularly rescues pugs from horrible situations. The pug in question, Molly, was one of 12 pugs rescued from a living nightmare in China. She, along with the others, spent her entire life in a filthy, metal cage.
Ukrainian Soldier Is Surprised To Find A Dog In An Abandoned Building
This week, after Russia agreed to reduce attacks in Kiev, Ukrainian soldiers found a dog left in one of the bombed apartments: the four-legged dog was in the rubble and appeared when one of the soldiers who searched the place rang. a toy music box.
Dog Left Behind During Ukrainian Evacuations Refuses To Give Up On Life
Since Russia invaded Ukraine earlier this year, over 7 million people have fled the country. While many people took their pets with them, that wasn’t a luxury others could afford. As a result, animals have been abandoned across the country, particularly in high-conflict areas.
Police Escort ‘Giant Dog’ Out Of Dollar General When He Refuses To Leave
The police department shared about the incident on Facebook, explaining that the employees of the Dollar General contacted the police at closing time because they “really needed to close the store” but they couldn’t get the dog to leave.
Dog Wandered Away From Home, Entered A Dollar General & Refused To Leave
Bradenton Florida Police received a call that was unlike anything they’ve ever gotten before. The call came from local Dollar General employees who told police that there was an individual who was refusing to leave their store.
Lonely Golden Retriever Gets A Surprise Puppy To Fill The Hole In His Heart
Everyone needs a friend or companion in life, and the same is true for our pets. A lot of pets, like dogs, are social and they need friends and attention just like humans! It’s beautiful to see two animals form a relationship, but sometimes, it’s short-lasting. That was the case with Willow and Walker.
Schnauzer Cries When Her Boy Goes To School Every Day
The bond that can form between a dog and its human is so deep and pure. Dogs are known as “man’s best friend” for a reason! When a dog’s owner happens to be a child, though, that bond seems to go even deeper and stronger, especially if they grew up together.
Vet Caught Dancing With Dog When No One Is Watching
Veterinarians have a tough job, but they also get to interact with a bunch of adorable pets every day. It can be heartbreaking, but it’s also very rewarding. But as a pet owner, it can be hard to trust someone else with your pet, even a trained professional.
Golden Retriever Refuses To Get In The Shower
Bathtime can be a blast, but our pets don’t always agree. It’s important to stay clean, but dogs would generally prefer to wear the dirt and stench they pick up throughout the day, even dogs who love water.