Dog Videos
CategoryFamily Reunited With Stolen Dog 5 Years After He Was Abducted
Losing a pet is hard enough. I can’t imagine the heartbreak that comes with realizing that your pet has managed to escape your home and is now lost and wandering the streets by itself. That in itself is already a worst-case scenario.
Man In Wheelchair Rescues Unwanted Dog Who Can’t Move His Legs
If there is one thing that all of us love, it’s hearing good news about dogs. We recognize that they aren’t always going to have the best life possible but sometimes, they are given a second chance and they grab hold of it with all of their heart.
After losing a friend, Duck comforts the grieving dog
One of the most difficult things that any of us has to go through in life is grieving the loss of a loved one. We all face this type of situation in our own way but for the most part, we also need the same thing, the kindness of others.
When her owners were forced to give her up, a veterinarian helped them reunite with their injured dog
It was just before Christmas time and David and Sumey Hageman were settling into their new home with their new baby. It looked like it was going to be a great Christmas until tragedy struck.
Giant Newfoundland Dog Burps After His Snack
Giant Newfoundland Dog Samson the Newfoundland and Rambo the Cavalier King Charles are enjoying a little snack in the kitchen. Samson isn’t as polite as Rambo and lets a little burp out as mom is trying to ask him questions.
Dog Prays With Dad Before Eating His Meal
Every family has different traditions and habits when it comes to mealtime. For those who are religious, saying a prayer before a meal is often the norm. Growing up, we always said grace before eating. If we didn’t eat as a family, we said our prayers individually to thank God for our food and ask for a blessing over it.
No One has Helped this Stray Dog with a Huge Tumor — Two Months Later, Something Has Changed
Encountering a sickly dog on the streets can really break your heart — especially if you’re a dog lover. However, it takes time before the right person notices the poor dog so that they can report them to a rescue center.
An Adorable Dog Miraculously Recovered After Being Beaten and Shot on the Face
Dogs might be man’s best friend, but some humans do not deserve their love and loyalty. The poor innocent canines are often victims of despicable human violence. Those cases are featured on the news, and it’s sickening to see humans do it mercilessly.
Dying Patient Had No One To Adopt Her Dog, Then Her Nurse Stepped In To Help
A Georgia nurse went above and beyond to not only care for a patient in their final days, but ultimately the patient’s dog as well. As Kimberly Still cared for her dying patient, she got to know her and learned of the patient’s family and beloved Chihuahua, Jax.
Sad Dog Sits In The Corner Of Kennel But Totally Opens Up When Belt Is Removed From Neck
Photographer Rebecca Rood was walking through the Whitfield County Animal Shelter when he found a miserable dog sitting in the corner of his kennel. Stewart seems to be trying to make himself invisible on this planet, it is clear that he has a bumpy past.
Rescue Dog Born With Defect Always Looks Surprised
When 38-year-old Lieschen O’Connor started looking to rescue a puppy, she never could’ve guessed what a special dog she’d welcome into her life. O’Connor ended up adopting a pup named Belle from the Lawrence Humane Society in Kansas.
A kind-hearted boy saved the three puppies left outdoors in the box
A kind-hearted and generous boy was walking along the road. While walking along the road, the boy heard noises from the box. The box was moving.He went after the noise and what he saw made him feel sorry for the puppies.
The dog had no strength left to survive and she brought her puppies to people on the porch
She just challenges to eat well, rest, and feel safe. A newly married couple is taking Abilene from the sanctuary, and other owners have begun to provide services for the puppies.
Very Last 9/11 Rescue Dog Passes Away At 16 Years Old
While tykes make the stylish musketeers you could ever hope for, there’s one thing about them that everyone hates more than anything in the world. These four-legal angels will admire you no matter who you are…