Dog Videos
CategoryTiny pup catches rescuer trying to sneak up and has the strangest reaction
Hope For Paws set out to rescue a tiny dog living between the L.A. river and the railroad tracks. When approached, the pup had the strangest reaction…
Dog was so shocked about leaving the shelter that he couldn’t move. But keep watching…
Austin waited for this day for so long, and it was finally here. He was so shocked, he didn’t know how to act and was very hesitant. But watch the ending… oh my.
“Today was his 66th day in t…
Hey, Join Your Friends On PMG! See that dog waiting all day for his owner to come home? The reason’s something we can all relate to…
Why did God create dogs? What you’re about to see here will answer that. You’ll never look at dogs the same again.
Sad dog lost her favorite toy, but she’s about to get a big surprise…
Cinnamon once had a garlic plushie toy from Excel gum that she carried everywhere. But one day her friend showed up and destroyed it. Her owner reached out to Excel, and they were nice enough to se…
Dog is rescued from a dog meat farm, but rescuers never expected this
Toffee was rescued from a dog meat farm, and little did rescuers know that she had a big surprise in store for them. Less than 24 hours after arriving in the United States… wow!…
Dog and cat squabble over new toy
Oliver and Hershey have an adorable fight over a new toy before it even comes out of the bag. Hilarious!
Dog Lover VS. Dog Parent, Which One Are You?
In life it would seem that you’ll probably come across two kinds of “dog people,” or those whom are big fans of dogs. There are the “dog lovers,” and the “dog parents.” Which kind are you? We s…
Groom Surprises Bride With The Cuddliest Wedding Gift Ever!
Is that the sweetest wedding video ever? If not it must be near the top of the list!
Instead of going the puppy proposal route, groom Jeff Althof presented his new wife, Jenna, with a Labrador p…
This Paralyzed Dog Dragged Her Legs For Miles Hoping Someone Would Help Her
Meet Poppy, a young doggie who got her spine crushed as a puppy and became paralyzed in her back legs. No one knows how this happened, but for the next weeks, or even months, she dealt with this on…
Patrick Stewart Meets His New Foster Pit Bull, Falls In Love Immediately
Sir Patrick Stewart, a British actor best known for his roles in Star Trek and X-Men, just shared a video of him meeting his new foster pup Ginger – and it’s just pure emotion. The new pup is a pit…
Mom Puts On Some Music In The Car And Starts Recording. Keep Your Eyes On The Dog!
ROAD TRIP! Ah, the open road. You can feel the wind in your hair and the sun on your face. There is nothing quite like it. One favorite activity to pass the time is to sing along to your favorite s…
‘Broken’ Dog Who Ended Up At A Shelter In Horrific Condition Makes Incredible Recovery
The Carson Animal Shelter in Los Angeles is a very busy animal shelter. Roman, a deaf dog, found himself there. He was in terrible shape. His ears were tattered, his teeth had been ground down, and…
How These Dogs Behave When They Find Cats ‘Stealing’ Their Beds Will Make You Laugh!
You either like cats or you don’t. Cats are not like dogs. Most cats do not like to go outside on leash or get belly rubs. Cats probably won’t greet you at the door when you come home from work. Bu…
His Former ‘Owner’ Kicked Him Like A Football, But He Wagged His Tail Through The Pain
Its a myth that all dogs bite and snap at you – especially not this one. Meet Robin, a little dog who tried to show love back even when his former owner kicked it. Yes – you’ve heard me right! Robi…