Dog Videos
CategoryIguana and Dog Love Each Other so Much, They Can’t Stop Hugging
We know we’ve done the animal odd couple thing in the past, but this one is a real first. A dog and an iguana?!? Now we’ve seen it all!…
Owner cried after being evicted from home and forced to surrender shepherd Chato
Chato is a ten-year-old male German shepherd who was painfully surrendered to the Carson Animal Care Center on Monday. In a heartbreaking separation, Chato’s owner cried as he left his best friend …
Man tries to ‘squirrel proof’ the bird feeder, but the result is hilarious
This man tried to “squirrel proof” the bird feeder, but it turns out he seriously underestimated the ability of squirrels! I’m still wondering how the little guy did it. 😂
This dog just beat cancer. Now he opens a gift for a birthday he wasn’t supposed to live to see.
Wallace was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma, giving him two weeks to three months to live without chemo. But here he is on his 11th birthday, seven months chemo free… Unbelievable!
Hey, Join Your Friends On PMG! Old rescue dog only knows one trick, but it’s the sweetest
Lemming had given up all hope, found in corner trying to be invisible to the world. But she was rescued and saved from a euthanasia list, and that’s when her new parents learned her only trick. 😊
Dog and Baby Elephant Play Silly Games Together
These two are just having the time of their lives, and they don’t care who knows about it!
They call this Doberman the ‘Horse Whisperer.’ Wait till you see why…
This Doberman is known as the “Horse Whisperer,” and you’re about to see why! These unlikely friends are inseparable, and it’s amazing to see.
See that dog waiting all day for his owner to come home? The reason’s something we can all relate to…
Why did God create dogs? What you’re about to see here will answer that. You’ll never look at dogs the same again.
And The “Most Patient Cat” Award Goes To….!
You had to figure a cat that was dog-like enough to enjoy car rides would tolerate this sort of thing. We here at Life With Dogs sympathize (while we crack up, that is)…. 🙂
This Jack Russell’s Hilariously Bad Run Is Going Viral, And You’ll Have To Watch It
Meet Olly the Jack Russell terrier who just had one of the most epic dog show fails ever – yet he couldn’t care less. On Sunday the pooch participated in Crufts, a world famous dog show, where he a…
Rescue Pit Bull With Rough Past Becomes Mom To 20 Foster Kittens
Meet Hema the rescue pit bull who is obsessed with fostering kittens. “All she wants to do is lick and snuffle them,” dog’s owner Marissa Clingen told The Dodo. “Who would have thought a stray D.C….
How They Abandoned This Friendly Dog Is Beyond Me. But When They Get Closer, It’s Amazing.
Animal rescues are extremely tricky and difficult to carry out – not to mention that it takes a great amount of patience, time, resources and manpower to do so! Well-known animal rescue group Hope …
A Hospital Bent Their Rules To Grant A Dying Man’s Last Wish To See His Dog
Meet James Wathern, a 73-year-old who was battling various illnesses – one after another. One day, his nurses-in-charge noticed that James started to become less cheerful – it was unlike of him to …
A soldier had to leave his dying dog, but watch when he opens the crate
This Army Specialist was being re-stationed when his dog was hit by a car, but he couldn’t afford the surgery. But a fundraiser was launched and Dukey received the help he needed.