Dog Videos
CategoryThis tiny Corgi in a sweatshirt attempting to dig a hole in the seat is the cutest thing you’ll see today
Life’s ruff when you’re a tiny pup! After just a split second of attempting to dig a hole in the car seat, this tiny Corgi in a sweatshirt lies down for a nap. Awww… 😍
They thought they were rescuing 8 puppies, but when the pups run inside the cave — oh my
Hope For Paws arrive on scene to rescue eight puppies who’d been living in a cave without a mother. But this epic rescue ends with a big surprise…
Mom asks Ralphie if he was a bad boy today, and how he responds just kills me
Ralphie the Newfoundland ate his brother’s toy, and it’s clear that he’s guilty. Just watch when mom asks if he’s been a bad boy today… 😉
Neighbor yells that there’s another dog in the house. That’s when the firefighter finds her…
A Virginia firefighter rescues a dog from a house fire, but a neighbor says that there’s another dog in the house. The firefighter goes back inside and looks behind the couch. That’s when he sees t…
Big dog carries little dog friend around in a bucket — because that’s what friends are for
This is what friends are for! Watch as the big dog adorably carries around his tiny dog friend in a bucket. I can’t get enough of it! 😊…
Kicked Out Of The House As A Kid For Helping Animals, He Now Devotes His Entire Life To Them
Shaygam Newman, an animal caretaker in Capetown, South Africa, devotes his life to helping animals; they are near and dear to his heart and are like family to him, since he didn’t have any real fam…
Dogs Are Brought To Prison, Then Inmates Help Train Them To Become Service Dogs For Wounded Vets
Four men stood alongside their Labrador retrievers as they played with each other on a grassy field outside. Just looking at them and their pups, you’d never guess the story behind it all.
The m…
Rescue Cat Snuggles With Vet Hospital’s Patients To Help Them Feel Relaxed During Their Procedures
This six-month-old kitten named Ron was rescued, along with three other kittens, from a feral cat colony.
Ron spends his time at the Northfield Veterinary Hospital in Denver, Colorado, and provi…
Kendall Is Just a Baby, but She’s Already So Full of Love Her Tail Just Won’t Stop Wagging
It’s Sunday! One of the best days of the week to lounge around with our dogs, and just have a good day. Today, as our LWD Adoptable Dog of the Day we have Kendall, who comes to us from the Animal R…
Irish Setter Just Gave Birth To 15 Puppies On Mother’s Day
This Mother’s Day, Irish Setter Poppy gave birth to 15 puppies
The owner was amazed to see that the puppies kept coming out
“I couldn’t believe it when we counted them and realised she ha…
Former Shelter Dog Demands to Mother Her Family’s Foster Kittens
When three one-week-old kittens were brought into the Atlanta Humane Society just before closing time, one of the staff members brought them home with her because there was no time to find a foster…
Little pup can’t figure out how to get in, but watch how his friend helps out
The little puppy doesn’t know how to get inside the house, but watch his friend show up to lead the way. Dogs are even smarter than most people give them credit for! 😊
Dog feels mom was away for too long and gives her the cold shoulder, but then…
Samson isn’t happy about mom leaving him home alone for so long, so he proceeds to shame his human by using the silent approach. But that doesn’t last… 😄
Dog found with broken noose around her neck feels love for the first time
Galgos, or Spanish greyhounds, are often used for breeding and then discarded when their owners no longer need them. But some are killed by hanging. Luckily Valentina’s noose broke, and she was abl…