Dog Videos
CategoryThis guy hiked 350 feet down a canyon, and what he saw hit him like nothing before
Zak Anderegg was out hiking alone when he made it about 350 feet down a canyon. Seeing this dog made him sad and angry, knowing the dog couldn’t have made it down there alone. What you’re about to …
Elderly woman falls and screams for help, but no one hears her — except for her Shih Tzu
Doris Jenkins fell to the floor in pain but managed to crawl to the door. She screamed for help, but no one heard her — except for her Shih Tzu. That’s when she told Oreo to go get help…
He lost 50 pounds during a 5-week stay in the hospital, now his dog doesn’t recognize him
This man lost 50 pounds during his five-week stay in the hospital, and his dog doesn’t recognize him. But give him a second… 😉
Here’s a Dog Eating a Banana
This cute pup grabbed a banana to munch on. He laid down and straddled the fruit while chewing off bits before his owner took it away.
Hey, Join Your Friends On PMG! This little baby clung on and never let go. Just wait until you see them now…
Poncho the orphaned opossum has found a new mother — Hantu the white German Shepherd. The unlikely pair quickly became inseparable and are the definition of true love.
Pit bull who’d just given birth was found in the rain. Then he reaches for one of her puppies
During the worst storm of the year in Southern California, Hope For Paws received a call about a homeless pit bull who’d just given birth 48 hours ago. So they got in the car and drove 3.5 hours to…
They investigate a case of neglect, find dog who’d been living in dungeon for years
Rescuers are alerted about a case of neglect and possible abuse, so they investigate the situation. They weren’t prepared for what they were about to see.
They find a dog who’d been living in th…
Terrified 4-month-old puppy tries to sleep his fears of the shelter away
For anyone who claims they can’t find a puppy to adopt from a shelter and purchases their new best friend from a pet store, a breeder or a puppy mill supplier, check this little guy out. This terri…
Betrayed: Dog abandoned, left behind and now out of time
A handsome dog, who has a unique (lion-like!) appearance, has been dealt a bad hand in life. The six-year-old golden retriever mix, dubbed “L’il Mackie,” is believed to have been abandoned by his f…
Not up for the responsibility: Family surrenders 15 year old dog to busy shelter
A 15-year-old dog, in the twilight of his life, is suddenly homeless after his former family decided that they were no longer up for the responsibility of dog ownership. The dog, a cocker spaniel n…
‘Dog on a chain here dying’: New York City rescue group comes to aid of desperate puppy
On Saturday afternoon, Rescue Dogs Rock NYC received a desperate plea to save an abandoned dog found tied to a chain brought to a rural Tifton, Georgia shelter.
“There’s a dog on a chain her…
Beloved family dog died defending her home – police tips wanted
A beloved family dog, who her owner referred to as the “heart of the family,” was killed in a cruel act of violence over the weekend. According to Sunday’s WJTV News, on Saturday, someone broke int…
9 Dogs, 3 Cats Rescued From “Deplorable” Conditions in Pennsylvania
Police in Westmoreland County, PA, were out serving an arrest warrant for parking-ticket related offenses when they came upon what Sheriff Jon Held said were, “the most disgusting conditions I’ve s…
A Cackle of Cats Are Confounded by Their Strange New Non-Cat Sibling
“What is this peculiar creature and why is it here?”
This coalition of cats isn’t too sure what to make of their new doggie sibling. It’s tiny and it doesn’t look and smell like them – will they…