Dog Videos
CategoryTucked in dachshund falls asleep while watching TV
Nap time for this cute dachshund! All tucked in and comfortable in front of the TV, this dog is ready to get some sleep. At first she is still struggling to keep her eyes open, but finally she give…
Man has full on conversation with talking beagle
This old Beagle sure has a lot to say about his adventure! He was playing in his yard, minding his own business, when coyotes came out of the bushes and scared him. But he did not wince and instead…
Dog screams in excitement upon owner’s arrival
If you have a dog, you probably know what it is like to come back to it after a long day at work. They run to you, barking and wagging their tails, so happy that you are home with them again.
Bulldogs incredibly cheer on stray canine in Budweiser commercial
Dogs do some pretty interesting things every once in a while. These dogs have a quite unique pass time. Elvis and Khaleesi are two English bulldogs that love watching TV, especially this commercial…
Mini Australian Shepherd plays with baby fennec fox
We have an abundance of clips about inter species friendships here on Rumble. Dogs and cats, cats and mice, cats and birds and so forth, the list is endless! So why should we be surprised to see th…
Pomeranian wants to play until giant puppy gets up!
We all want to play, don’t we? It’s part of our innate nature as being alive. You see it in children and especially in both wild and domesticated animals. Playing is the purest form of enjoyment fo…
Basset Hound learns to give kisses for treats
Who says that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? This Basset Hound learned to give kisses to get treats. Can’t say that she dislikes that! This little trade off is great for the both of them. W…
Newly rescued dog overjoyed to be off chain
Rescue dogs are always showing how grateful they are to have a new home. Asher was rescued off of the chain by Dogs Deserve Better in Smithfield, VA. He decides to show his love an appreciation whi…
Jack Russell father’s first encounter with his puppies
Having children is a big moment in several peoples lives. To all the parents out there, you know exactly how exciting it is to have one. Here we have a group of dogs, but it isn’t just any group of…
Dog dances in sleep to jazz music
As crazy as it may sound, but dogs dream when they sleep too. It’s weird – what could dogs possibly dream about? Sometimes they’re chasing a cart, others it could be their tail. Animal psychologist…
Bulldog takes on one of horror’s scariest monsters!
Khaleesi the Bulldog is at it again, saving humans one horror movie at a time. Here she is watching one of her favorites, The Babadook, and trying to protect the film’s lead actress!
Shelter’s Longest Resident Gets His Chance To Shine
Kelly Duer is coordinating a study of foster care for medium and large dogs, sponsored by Maddie’s Fund, an organization working to make ALL shelters no-kill. Last month, as part of Kelly’s study, …
More than 80 Great Danes rescued from cruelty in New Hampshire
The Humane Society of the United States was assisted by the Wolfeboro Police Department in the rescue of 84 Great Danes from a New Hampshire home. The suspected puppy mill was raided at approximate…
A Little Bit of Hilarious for Your Sunday Evening Viewing Pleasure!
We have three special videos for your viewing pleasure this evening. Enjoy! We sure did!
This first one seems like a good idea, whit the unseasonably hot weather some areas of the world are alre…