Dog Videos
CategoryBig dog meets tiny dog for the first time and it’s adorable
Amusing footage of a large dog called Tyra meeting a tiny dog called Tintin for the first time.
The video, filmed in Stockholm, Sweden on June 26, shows the adorable moment shared between the la…
They warned mom and dad not to let the baby girl around the pit bull
Pit bulls have a bad reputation just for being pit bulls. And most people would never let one close to their children. But with proper training and upbringing, pit bulls are no different than any o…
Be on the lookout for tennis ball bombs… this is just sickening
Tennis ball bombs are a real thing, and they can cause serious injury or even death to humans and dogs alike. It’s best to completely avoid any strange ball when you’re out and about.
What’s wro…
Little Boy With Autism Gets A Dog Who Changes His Life For The Better
This little boy named Tupper has autism and has always had a really hard time sleeping at night. He would always have nightmares so he’d only sleep between 20 and 45 minutes at a time. On top of th…
Police Surprise Family With A New Puppy After Their Dog Was Killed In A Hit And Run
13-year-old Mia Huang and her dog Panda were out for a walk in Cranbury, New Jersey, when an SUV hit them while crossing the road. The driver didn’t stop to help the girl and fled the scene.
Maxine Gets Her First Vet Visit Thanks to Her Amazing Rescuers
Maxine here is a beautiful rescue husky, and thanks to her awesome rescuers, she’s getting to visit the vet for the very first time! Thanks Hope for Paws for all of the good work that youy, and you…
Some Pups Are REALLY In Sync With Their People…!
Strawberry shortcake, cream on top, tell me the name of this sweet pup!
Okay, that’s not how the old jump-rope rhyme goes, but it’s apropos in this case.
Too cute!…
Owner Abandoned Abused Puppy In Airport Bathroom With A Note For Heartbreaking Reason
A person abandoned a three-month-old miniature Chihuahua puppy in a bathroom at McCarran International Airport with a handwritten note attached to him. The note explained that leaving the puppy her…
Then he met a family who would change his whole life…
Imagine the pain you’d feel when you are covered in open wounds, blood trickling down your legs, all while you are terribly underweight. To say this young boy was neglected would be an understateme…
Funny dog doesn’t like to be ignored
When our dog wants attention he can be a little annoying, but this is the reason why I love him so much and he keeps me away from this stupid laptop 😀
Jack Russell Terrier Adorably Splashees His Friends With Garden Hose
Rover the Jack Russell Terrier really knows how to throw a party. When he had a few friends over for a dip in the pool, he knew exactly what to do to make the party a whole lot more fun! He jumps i…
Cute Dog Goes On Bike Ride With His Mom And Hilariously Joins In
This adorable little dog loves to “peddle” alongside his mom while they enjoy a bike ride together.
Just look at his tiny legs go! What cute “pupper”.
Piglet the pink puppy is blind and deaf all because of a bad breeder
Piglet was rescued from a hoarding situation that embedded anxiety in him to this day. But now with a foster family, he’s getting help and growing stronger all the time. This is the story of Piglet…
Vet says Dalmatian mama will have 3 pups, but mother nature has other ideas
The vet said this Dalmatian mama would give birth to three puppies, but the truth was that it would be a record-breaking litter.
Miley the three-year-old Dalmatian ended up giving birth to 18 p…