Dog Videos
CategorySweet Dog Rescues Worms
Info from Licensor: “This is my dog, Holliday, a border collie/German shepherd mix. I rescued her from Felines & Canines in Chicago when she was a puppy. Holliday is picking up and saving live eart…
Persistent bulldog eventually conquers sofa
Titon’s daily workout consists of him trying his very best to get up onto the couch. Hard work pays off!
Pooch Is Caught Stealing On Camera, And His Reaction Had Us In Stitches
When the cat food was disappearing and the cat was constantly hungry, it was clear that something was amiss. Suspecting that the cat was not getting everything that was set out for her, this family…
Super Talkative Chihuahua Annoys Her Sister
This is how Umi asks her sister Sola to play, but obviously Sola is annoyed by the irritating high-pitched voice. Too funny!
The Chihuahua dog may be a tiny, n…
Huskies Put the H in “Ha! Ha!”
Huskies are wonderful canine clowns, it’s true! So much personality!!!
This Man Is Taking His Dog On A Bucket List Road Trip!
“Abbyslist, A Dogumentary,” is a feature film documentary about Abby (a 16-year-old Whippet) and Mark Sutherland’s epic cross-country journey doing Abby’s “bucket list”.…
Surrendered dog’s utter terror will break your heart
Update – Mamas has been rescued!
A surrendered dog, named “Mamas” will quite literally break your heart with the utter terror she shows in a video taken at the animal shelter where she was recen…
Homeless puppy, so scared he had to be carried
A homeless puppy, being held at California’s San Bernardino City Animal Control, is so scared that he has to be carried. On Wednesday, the pup’s advocate posted photos and a video to Facebook:
Dedicated Dog Owner Will Sell Everything She Owns To Save Dog’s Life
Dolly-Ann Osterloh may be the most dedicated dog owner in the world.
She adopted her pup, Snoopy, nine years ago from a kill shelter in New Jersey where he was kept in a birdcage after a family …
Penni Was Once Afraid of Everything. Now, She’s Free, Fearless & Having Fun!
When Penni’s dad rescued her she was next in line to be put down at the shelter. It’s not surprising this dog was fearful of everyone and everything; she’d spent the whole of her first year of life…
There Are Hardly Any Animal Shelters In His Country, So He Built One
Hosein Mohammadi lives in Iran and has been rescuing animals for a long time. It is a nation where many stray dogs are killed. And so he made it his mission to become instrumental in animal rescue …
Homeless Dog Runs To Friends For Protection, But They Know Rescuers Are There To Help
Hope For Paws was contacted about an abandoned Chihuahua. When they arrived, the dog was seen weaving in and out of traffic, so they’d have to approach cautiously. A neighbor told the rescuers the …
Dog Lets Out A Squeaker, The Unforeseen Fart Has The Dog And Mom Wondering
Every once in a while, one just unexpectedly squeaks out. And Lucy the seven-month-old German Shepherd is about to experience that firsthand.
The beautiful white dog is just relaxing on the chai…
Dog Picks Out Treats At The Store—His Following Move Has Everyone’s Attention
Hali, like all dogs, loves getting new treats at the store. But this good boy goes about it in a completely different way compared to others. Not many dogs get to actually go inside the store and p…