Dog Videos
CategoryUnconscious Dog Pulled From Smoky Building Is Saved Thanks To New Firefighter Procedure
Firefighters are true heroes, and they put their lives on the line to save anyone or anything. So I’m all for anything that will make their jobs easier. Thanks to some specially-designed pet oxygen…
Dog Seen Calmly Playing With Kids After Cop Shoots Himself Trying To Kill Her
Stories of police shooting at dogs seem to be all too common, but this particular story played out differently. A police deputy came face-to-face with a Pit Bull but instead of shooting the dog, he…
Dog Seen Calmly Playing With Kids After Cop Shoots Himself Trying To Kill Her
Stories of police shooting at dogs seem to be all too common, but this particular story played out differently. A police deputy came face-to-face with a Pit Bull but instead of shooting the dog, he…
Rescue Dog Opens First Ever Christmas Gift
Kobu has never known what Christmas was. Back in Taiwan, Kobu lived on the streets in a country that isn’t exactly known for having the best track record when it comes to animal rights. He was resc…
Pit Bull Tied To A Pole Finds Loving Home And Now Has His Own Patio
A lot of people fell in love with Tater Tot, not only because he is cute but because of his indomitable spirit. So many people applied to be Tater Tot’s new parent!
He already went through so mu…
Dog Steals Empanada Live on Camera During Interview
A Chilean street vendor was being interviewed for the TV news recently when a dog snuck up for a taste of her wares. The talented little thief eases into frame, grabs the corner of a pastry, and ex…
Husky Gets Second Chance At Life
This is Yoshi. Yoshi has had a very hard life. She was basically used as a puppy making factory her entire life. She was kept by a person who had a bunch of huskies and all she did was breed them o…
Dog looses best friend to cancer, finds comfort in stuffed animal
Junior the Border Collie was so sad after he lost his 13 year old best friend to cancer. He stopped playing and just laid around all day looking heart broken. His owners were not ready to get anoth…
Puppy comically struggles to walk with new boots
It looks like this cute pup will need a little more time getting used to these funny pink boots!
Newborn puppy picks up shoe – adorably struggles to carry it
Chicken the Pug will make your day with this priceless moment! Watch as the adorable puppy struggles to gain traction after trying to carry the “immense” weight of an everyday running shoe.
Puppy adorably struggles to get back on pathway
Poor Luna struggles to find her way back to the path. Look at her proud face when she finally manages to pull through. Talk about perseverance!
Pibble In A Pool!
Pumpkin spice season may be upon us, but there’s still time to squeeze a little summer out of 2017. This cutie has the right idea!
This Dog Prances Wherever He Goes!
Prancer was born with a condition called hydrocephalus.
It translates literally to “water on the brain.”
The buildup of fluid inside his skull can cause any number of symptoms.
For Prancer…
Golden Retriever Pulled Alive From The Rubble Of Deadly Earthquake
One dog’s rescue has inspired hope amongst the devastation of the deadliest earthquake to hit Mexico City in 32 years. In the aftermath of the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that destroyed many buildings…