Dog Videos
CategoryDogs take a ride on their owner’s scooter
The footage taken in New Delhi, India, shows three dogs enjoying a very unique ride: all three of them are on a scooter with their owner.
Soldier Turned Life Coach For Dogs And Their Celebrity Owners!
Dogs are known for being loyal, lovable, and big-hearted by nature, which is why we all want what’s best for them. One woman who knows this better than most is former Israeli army intelligence offi…
Selfless Dogs Take Turns Holding The Toy So The Other Can Eat Treats
Have you ever seen such a wonderful display of teamwork? We all know dogs are friendly and selfless creatures, but this duo ramps it up a notch! Grace and Cuba take turns holding their favorite toy…
Clever Dog Solves Every Challenging Puzzle His Dad Makes For Him
It doesn’t matter how challenging the puzzle, Ripley the dog is up to the task. Whether it’s getting balls, stuffing, or treats, Ripley loves to retrieve stuff. That’s why his human makes him loads…
Dogs Protecting Babies Kids – Loyal Dog Doesn’t Allow Anything Danger to the Owner
Best Friend Dog And Baby Take A Bath Funny Time Together – Cute Dogs and Babies Compilation
Man Tries To Kick A Stray Dog On The Beach, Instead Gets A Dose Of Instant Karma
We don’t have any background info on this video, but for some reason, this genius decides it’d be a good idea to kick a stray dog. What he didn’t realize is that he was about to learn the definitio…
Dad’s Teaching The Dogs A New Trick, But The Cat Isn’t To Be Outdone
Dogs are amazing at learning to perform tricks. As long as their owners are patient and willing to teach them, they can learn to do pretty much anything. From sitting to shaking to giving a high fi…
Hikers Save Dog They Find Trapped At Bottom Of Mine Shaft
Hikers saved a sweet dog trapped at the bottom of an old abandoned mining shaft after they stumbled across her. But the dog was almost not rescued.
A week before the dog was saved, Preston Gladd…
Orphaned Fawn Finds Comfort With Dog Who Scares Bears For A Living
An orphaned fawn found an unlikely shoulder to cry on when she was rescued by a Mishka is a wildlife service dog. Mishka is a Karelian Bear dog and is specially trained to help recondition bears th…
Boy And Dog See Each Other After Year Apart, Both Start Crying Instantly
An 11-year-old boy from Nashville, Tennessee has finally been able to see his best furbuddy, after being apart for a year!
Ellen Goebel and her young son Lennox lived next door to Bogart and his…
Dog found homeless and starving gets second chance
From homeless and starving in NYC to playing in the fields on a farm, this is Jameson’s incredible story!
Found emaciated on the streets of New York City, Jameson has had the luck not many stray…
Man Offers To Buy Homeless People’s Dogs For Social Experiment
You may have seen the video of the social experiment where a guy went around trying to buy people’s dogs for $100,000. It was heartwarming to learn that people couldn’t put a price on their dog and…
Mama Couldn’t Find Her Puppies, But Rescuers Showed Up And Heard Their Cries
This mother dog couldn’t find her puppies and was worried sick, but some rescuers showed up to help. They followed the sound to a drain and worked quickly to pry open the top. Without hesitation, o…
Pumpkin Carving Time-Lapse Of A ‘Pompkin’ Is Mesmerizing To See
Halloween is a fun time of the year, and there are even lots of ways to get your dogs involved. If they’re not the trying-on-costumes type, how about carving their portrait into a pumpkin? That’s w…