Dog Videos
CategoryLittle Boy’s Dog Has Been Missing For A Month When Mom Calls Her Son Over
Losing a dog is such a nightmare scenario, especially for a little kid. So much can go through your mind, and at times you may even start to lose hope of finding it ever again. That’s why reunion v…
This Doxie Has Happy Feet!
Does this little pup make you feel like moving your feet, or what?
What Are These “Boundaries” You Speak Of?
Some dogs just can’t stand to be without us, no matter where we are or what we’re doing!
They Thought He Died in the California Wildfires….
Bill ran away when the wildfires broke out and his heartbroken family thought for sure he had perished in the blaze.
Thankfully, a police officer found him and they were joyfully reunited — with…
Dad And Dog Engage In Hilarious Back-And-Forth Over Belly Rubs
Dogs can be jealous creatures. They want those head pats and belly rubs all to themselves even if it means a sibling has to miss out. But I’ve never heard a dog backtalk its owner the way Dinky the…
Dog Has Minor Freakout Every Time Dad Pours The Dog Food
Kibo is a four-month-old Shiba Inu, and like every other dog, he loves to eat. If you’re a dog owner, you know what I’m talking about — they take dinnertime very seriously. Dogs even learn to assoc…
Little Girl Improvises The Cutest Lullaby As She Holds Her Rescue Dog
It can’t be stated enough: dogs make the absolute perfect companions for kids. The friendship and unconditional love that arises and only gets stronger as they grow older together is invaluable. It…
Kayakers See Potato Bag Floating In River And Hear Whimpering Puppies Inside
If the kayakers had not heard their cries for help, the six puppies would most certainly be drowned. Two kayakers were paddling on the Blackstone River in Massachusetts when they heard a whimpering…
Soldier Has To Leave The Dog He Adopted In Iraq, But They Wouldn’t Be Kept Apart Forever
Soldiers stationed in Iraq found a puppy they couldn’t just let suffer and fend for itself, so they took it in to care for it. The street dog would be their pet, but it was Ken Wyrsch who would tak…
Little Girl Sings To Her Pit Bull In A Precious Display Of Affection
A kid growing up with a dog is a special thing. There’s nothing quite like the bond and camaraderie as a result of having a dog sibling. And the unconditional love only strengthens as they grow old…
He Was Found Chained Up And Covered In Car Oil, But He Had No Idea His Life Was About To Change
This dog, named Nelson, grew up living in a short chain and never got much care or attention. When rescuers found him, he was covered in car oil and was lying in the fetal position.
His “owners”…
Animal Aid Stops To Inspect Dog Found On Busy Highway
Animal Aid Unlimited found a dog in the middle of a busy highway and immediately pulled over to help. The dog was injured and needed some serious care. But the rescuers had to be mindful of the sur…
Dog Rescued From A Puppy Mill Lies In A Bed For The First Time
A 12-year-old dog with skin allergies was rescued from a puppy mill where she’d spent her entire life in a wire cage. As long as she could produce puppies, that’s all they cared about. Thankfully, …
Dog Loves The New Snow Booties!
Someone is going to be ALL KINDS OF READY for winter!