Dog Videos
CategoryGuy Comes Home From Work With Stray Living Outside His Office Building
Buddy was a stray dog who was living outside a building. He was extremely shy and hesitant to approach people. However, a man who worked there decided to take a chance on the pup. He brought him home to his wife…
Growling Pit Bull Wasn’t Allowed To Be Adopted But Dog-Lover Made It Her ‘Mission’
Sioux City, like other United States cities, had a strict ban on Pit Bulls. When Pits were discovered in city shelters, they were put in the back because they weren’t available for adoption. Angel was a Pit Bull with…
Coyote Ousted By Pack Frolics With Neighborhood Dogs Alarming Owners
In a heartwarming tale of wildlife rescue and rehabilitation, a lone coyote named Carmine found not only a new home but also a companion in another coyote named Wilee at the Yellow River Wildlife Sanctuary. This story began…
Dirty Puppy Looked Up At Guy With Wanting Eyes, Pleaded To Go With Him
A man discovered a tiny, curled-up puppy in the middle of the sidewalk. She was shivering in the cold wind. The man wasn’t sure if she was dumped there by a cruel human or was abandoned by her mother. The pup stared at him…
While Walking In -20 Degrees, Dad And Son Come Across Shivering Puppies
On a snowy day with temperatures plunging to -20 degrees, a father and son stumbled upon two furry creatures curled up in the snow. The two little puppies whimpered loudly. They were wet and huddled together for warmth.
After ‘764-Days Apart’, Dad Wonders If Missing Senior-Dog Would Recognize Him Again
Bosco the Beagle-mix was 9 years old when he went missing from his home in Westerly, Rhode Island. It seems that Bosco had managed to slip out of his collar while exploring the neighborhood, but he eventually lost his way back home.
Boxer Tied To Pole Stared At Passersby Hoping His Owner Was Among Them
Graham was driving to work when he saw a figure out of the corner of his eye. He pulled over, and there was a dog all by himself tied to a lamppost. Graham was concerned and a bit confused. It was possible that the owner…
Woman Put Hand Out To Dog Behind Dumpster But She Backed Further Away
An abandoned Pit Bull, left to fend for herself on the street, found refuge behind a diner. The hustle and bustle was overwhelming, so she cowered by the dumpster to feel safe. She waited to rummage for food when the diner…
Their New Property Came With Hungry Stray Who Was Hesitant To Step Inside
When Sydney received an alert on her phone, she initially thought there was a coyote prowling around her new home. However, upon checking her security camera, she discovered a malnourished puppy instead.
He Couldn’t Deal With Another Car Leaving Him Behind, So The Pup Cried Out
Rescuer Ninel was alerted to a situation where five puppies were fending for themselves out in the winter elements, two of them smaller than the others. And among them, a little white puppy who couldn’t walk.
Pittie Wants To Hold Her Rescuer’s Hand As They Drive To The Vet
Judy, a dedicated animal rescuer from TAO Animal Rescue, didn’t know what to expect when she pulled over to help an injured dog lying on the side of the road. The vulnerable dog appeared to be in a lot of pain…
Puppies Huddled Together With ‘Shared Scars’ Of Trauma They Both Carried
On a desolate stretch of highway, two young puppies huddled together, forsaken and frightened. The nearest town was over six miles away. The only signs of life were the cars speeding by, leaving clouds of dust in their wake.
Woman’s Afraid Of The Dog She Adopted But Still Brings Him Home
A rescue group in Mississippi was having a difficult time finding a home for Tater Tot, a stray dog with a mysterious past. He was heartworm-positive and severely underweight, with a noticeable scar on his leg…
Teeniest Puppy Worms Her Way Under Fence Into Couple’s Dresser Drawer
When a tiny, malnourished puppy squeezed under a fence and into a family’s yard, she looked more like a rat than a dog. The family quickly realized that this little creature was in desperate need of help…