Dog Videos
CategoryHoudini: An intense rescue of an escape artist! MUST SEE!
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Chihuahua chows down on tasty banana
Ryder tries a banana for the first time. Looks like he really likes it!
Border Collie saves stuffed animal from vacuum cleaner
This pup puts his fears aside in order to save his toy duck from the evil vacuum cleaner. He’s a hero!
Dog Fakes Injury for Food
Info from Licensor: “This cute funny dog is pretending to be disabled in order to get around the street and ask for food, lol. He looks very funny. After I threw a few ice-blocks at him, he stood u…
Small black french bulldog walking big black brown dog pink leash
Small black french bulldog walking big black brown dog pink leash.
Baby Has Engrossing Conversation With Her Patient Bulldog
Having a friend to talk to is always a good thing, even if all that friend can do is listen attentively. Our pets fit this profile perfectly, because they feel our need to get something off our che…
Jack Russell Terrier Closes Door To Hide Its Guilt
Check out what 4-years-old Ari does when her owner scolds her for being a bad doggy. Priceless!
Another hilarious pup video! Everyone loves a funny pet moment, and this one takes the cake!
Deer Abandoned By Mother Befriends Great Dane
When an orphaned fawn appeared near the home of Isobel Springet, she had no way of knowing that the deer would form a friendship with her dog that would be love and cherished around the world.
Man Approaches His Lost Dog Of Three Years, And The Dog Starts Crying Tears Of Joy
Giorgi Berejiani’s dog, Jorge, went missing from his home in Tbilisi, Georgia, three years ago. He looked all over for his best friend. And as the days turned to months and the months turned to yea…
Two Dogs Cried Out For Help From The Sewer Until Someone Heard Them
Hope For Paws received a call from some kids about two dogs stuck in a sewer who were crying out for help. Thankfully, the kids heard the dogs and waited with them until rescuers could arrive. The …
Dog On TV Does The Most Hilarious Thing When Told To Play Dead
Baily’s owner brought him on TV with David Letterman to perform his best trick. When told to play dead, the dog does so in the funniest way. The Beagle is extremely talented, and it’s obvious he ha…
French Bulldog confused by Frenchie mascot head
Sitch and Hunger can’t fathom what’s going on with their owner when she puts on a French Bulldog mascot head. Check out their reactions!
Two motorbiking doggies spotted in Miami
These fearless and well-disciplined dogs ride with their owner on his motorbike in Miami. These pups are super cool!
Confused dog battles himself on a laptop screen
Mutley, a Jack Russell terrier, is perplexed to see himself on a laptop screen, and engages in battle accordingly in Leitrim, Ireland.
In the video, Mutley sees a video of himself on the laptop,…