Dog Stories
CategoryBoston Terrier Stood Up By Adopter Is Once Again Looking For Loving Home
The best day for shelter dogs is the day they get adopted. They finally hear the words “you have been adopted” and it is a day filled with excitement.Sadly, there are times when the adopter changes his/her mind and don’t…
Loyal Labrador Stays With Lost 4-Year-Old in the Woods Until Help Arrives
Recently in New Jersey, a loyal black labrador retriever is being praised as a hero after staying with his favorite little human, a 4-year-old boy who’d wandered off in the woods and gotten lost. New Jersey State Police shared about the incident…
Persistent Rottweiler Attempts to Catch His Owner’s “Scary” Shadow
Dogs are such funny creatures. Like cats, they can become fascinated and entertained by the most random of items. Growing up, my dog was obsessed with playing with the sprinklers. For whatever reason, she loved to bite…
Senior Dog Falls 23 Feet Into A Utility Manhole And Lives Thanks To Rescuers
If there is one thing we know about dogs, it’s the fact that they enjoy treats. This is especially true of labrador retrievers who will do almost anything to get a treat. Sometimes, dogs will even get themselves…
Handsome Howard Has a Favor to Ask You. Please Say YES!!!
Meet Howard, a neutered chocolate-brown pibble mix with white markings and an adorably stubby snausage tail. He weighs approximately 63 pounds and is believed to be about 3 years old.
Dog Left Heartbroken After Family Surrenders Him To Shelter Because Of Allergies
Sadly, he was surrendered by the only family he has ever known after four years. A member of the family developed allergies and they made the difficult decision to bring Simba…
Russell Crowe’s Puppy Louis Dies In His Arms After Being Hit By A Truck
A day that is already a hard and sad day for actor Russell Crowe just got even more unbearable. On March 30, which is the anniversary of his father’s (John Alexander Crowe) passing, his cherished 16-month-old Papillon named Louis was hit by a truck.
Senior Boy Duece Would Very Much Like to Spend His Golden Years with You
According to the ASPCA, senior dogs have a 25 percent adoption rate, compared to a 60 percent rate for younger dogs and puppies. This is heartbreaking when you consider how much love they still have to give.
Sweet Sheriff Offers to Pay Dog’s Adoption Fees After Owner Loses Home
In Merced County, California Sheriff Vern Warnke was making a traffic stop when the driver of the vehicle explained that he had recently lost his home and was getting ready to move into a trailer. Due to this he could no longer…
Senior Dog Abandoned By His Family Is One Of The Lucky Dogs Catching A Flight To Freedom
Louisiana animal shelters are overcrowded with adoptable dogs, and most are large dogs. They are struggling to find adopters as more dogs arrive every day. Sadly, some are at risk of euthanasia…
Doggy Daycare May Be the Answer for Dogs with Separation Anxiety
So, your fur baby got used to you being around all day and is missing you now that you’re only working remotely part of the week or you’re back to the office/job site full time. That’s understandable. In fact, dogs that live…
Dog’s Loud Puking Interrupts Important Video Presentation For Ph.D. Student
A Ph.D. student was left internally mortified when her dog interrupted a large, important video call with his loud puking sounds. Ellie Hurer is a Ph.D. Student in Structural Biology, according to Insider, she was speaking…
Meet Johnny, the young Labrador retriever available for adoption that you’ve been searching for!
Hello there, prospective forever family! My name is Johnny, a two-year-old black Labrador retriever who has been neutered. I was transferred to Desert Labrador Retriever Rescue in central Arizona from a smaller rescue organization.
An elderly couple arrived at a shelter in tears, heartbroken and forced to give up their beloved dog after receiving some devastating news
A San Francisco family had adopted Jimbo, a 3-year-old Dachshund mix, and provided him with all the love he needed. Jimbo was a happy pup who went on various trips with his family, even when they moved to Louisiana.