Dog Stories
CategoryWhen You Find Out Who’s Training This Guide Dog, You’ll Be Shocked And Inspired
Have you ever considered who puts in the countless hours required to raise guide dogs? These pups ultimately go on to change a blind person’s life forever. It’s not an easy task to train the canine…
Robin Williams’ Final Performance Is as a Talking Dog
Robin Williams will be bringing smiles to our faces in theaters one last time this summer; he’ll be playing Simon Pegg’s talking dog Dennis in the comedy Absolutely Anything.
Pegg stars as N…
Dog Feared to Be Dead in Nepal Earthquake Found Alive
Karen Latchford and her boyfriend Chris Ashdown were away when the earthquake hit Nepal two weeks ago. Their dog Tara was in a kennel, and they were devastated, thinking that she was most cert…
Dog Impaled on Tree Branch for 24 Hours Miraculously Survives
A dog who scampered after an arboreal critter became badly impaled on a tree that left him dangling above a South Carolina marsh for about 24 hours has survived his brush with fate; Louis’ cries we…
Senior Dog Saves 89-Year-Old Woman
A 12-year-old Labrador named Levi from Morro Bay, Calif., is used to accompanying owner Gary Ream to his neighbor’s home to take care of the garden. The dog usually lies in the yard and takes in na…
German Shepherd Reunited With Family After Three Years and 2,500 Miles Apart
Andrea Arce and her two young daughters thought three years ago was the last time they would see their beloved German Shepherd named Rico, but on May 3, 2015, the family was reunited once again wit…
26 of the Best Quotes About Dogs (and Other Animals)
“Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That’s the problem.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
— W…
Social Media Helps Stray Dog Sleeping in Library Find Forever Home
Just a year ago, Shelton, a young mutt from Resistencia, Argentina, showed up to the surrounding area of the Normal Sarmiento school. No one knew who he belonged to and most people didn’t care abou…
Puppy On Death’s Door Miraculously Survives Swimmer Syndrome
Here’s a touching story of a dog’s miracle transformation. It was posted to Facebook, via Speranza Animal Rescue. If you’d like to see the original post, click here. For more information on Spe…
It’s Impossible Not To Feel The Love From These 25 Precious Puppy Kisses
Humans could learn a thing or two from our littlest four-legged friends when it comes to showing affection. Puppies seem to be born with a natural urge to show everyone and everything just how much…
When He Was Found They Said He’d Never Walk — Now, It Looks Like There’s Hope!
Earlier this year, animal control in Chicago answered the call for a pup found in a dumpster. If the fact that he was tossed aside like trash wasn’t enough, the poor eight-month-old Pit Bull also s…
Man Dumps Sick Puppy in Stranger’s Backyard
Quincy Bui from Houston, caught in his home’s surveillance system an unknown man approaching his home. The man parked his truck right outside Bui’s home, walked towards the backyard carrying a pupp…
Fla. Man Rescues Dog Trapped in Crate
Brian Lachat says intersection US-41 and Goodlette Frank Road in Naples, Fla., is a busy one, and seeing a box in the middle of the road is very unusual. On May 1, 2015, the man witnessed how that …
Rescue Dogs Are Saving Lives in Earthquake-Devastated Nepal
Dogs who have had their lives saved are getting the chance to pay it forward – they’re now search-and-rescue dogs who are working hard to find people buried in the rubble left by the catastroph…