Dog Stories
CategoryCop Takes Selfie with Outlaw Dog
Law enforcement officers don’t usually publicly brag about or take pictures with captured fugitives, but once in a while doing just that is necessary. Officer Eddie, from the Bangor Police Departme…
Driver Hits Service Dog & Wants Charges Pressed Against Owner
Sixty-nine-year-old Mike Gurney was out shopping on August 29, 2015, in Northamptonshire, England, when a cab driver reversing down the street almost ran him and his dog Emma over. Gurney is blind …
These Dogs Were Skeletons When Rescuers Came, But They Learned How To Smile Again
Not too long ago, the Chicago Police Department found two very skinny dogs in an abandoned building. Luckily, after the force removed them from their horrid home, they called the Trio Animal Founda…
Born With A Rare Genetic Disorder And Both Blind And Deaf, This Dog Proves Love Is All You Need.
PAWsitive Channel and Family Dog Rescue team up to bring a story of a “special needs” dog that isn’t special but amazing! Noel, a nearly all white Australian Shepherd was also born blind and deaf b…
Dog Buried by Mudslide Found Alive 18 Hours Later
Early morning on May 31, 2014, San Pedro Necta, Guatemala, experienced a devastating mudslide after consecutive days of torrential rain. A landslide claimed the lives of five people. Military rescu…
Ricky Gervais Urges Fans to Help Stop Chinese Dog Meat Festival
By now, almost every animal lover in the world knows about Ricky Gervais and his outspoken nature against the abuse of animals. Now, Gervais is taking part in a full scale, international campa…
How Walking Dogs for a Living Taught Me to Be a Better Human
The streets of New York City have a unique cast of recurring characters.
Taxi drivers hollering at one another, the skateboarders scraping the pavement. Homeless people who’ve set up encampm…
Cat-Chasing Male Pit Bull Adopts Abandoned Kittens
This comes from my mom, Karen Edwards:
Over the past several years, my rescued pit bull mixes, Spartacus and Loki, enjoyed their daily game of trying to catch the feral cats who sometimes to…
“Party Pug” Helps Save Young Woman with Severe Depression
This comes from The Animal Rescue Site, which has tons of great fan-submitted rescue stories, and lots of odds and ends (from clothing and accessories to office and pet supplies). With every purch…
Help Save Honey
Honey is an adorable pit bull in the process of being certified as an emotional support dog for a four-year-old boy with a sensory processing disorder. She’s always been a very good girl, neve…
Homeless Man Dies and His Loyal Dog Stays by His Side
When a homeless man in Santiago, Chile, passed away over a cold night, he had no one to mourn his death but his loyal dog.
On Sept. 11, 2015, local news channel T13 broke the news of a homeless …
Camping With the Dog Is Fun
Some dogs are born for adventures and enjoy the outdoors as much as his or her outdoorsy owner, other dogs just want to be inside pets, but no matter what, if you go camping and you take your dog, …
Train Conductor Stops Train and Rescues Dog
Many times, when a stray dog is found on train tracks, passengers on board the train arrive late to their destination because the train comes to a halt while authorities remove the dog. Another out…
They Heard Strange Noises Coming From A Dumpster And Found Something Tragic
The sad reality is that animals are abused almost every single day. It’s really painful to think about. We as humans have a responsibility to make sure that these vulnerable animals are taken care …