Dog Stories
CategoryWhen Dogs Are Caught Stealing From the Trash
Fudge & Friends
Dog Spends Three Years Lost and On the Run
Dog owners Kelly Thomas and Ted Kupserman never thought they would see their eight-year-old Shepherd Lab mix named Bear again. The dog got lost on July 2012 after being involved in a car accident, …
After Years of Abuse Sasha Will Celebrate Christmas in Freedom
This coming Christmas will be the first one ever in Sasha’s life where she won’t have to worry about suffering any more abuse at the hands a cruel human. Sasha is in a foster home now, and on …
Dog Credited for Keeping Toddler Safe After They Both Wandered Off
A family is happy to have their two-year-old daughter back home, safely after she decided to wander off from the family’s property. They credit their dog who followed the child as she took off…
An Amazing Rescue Transforms An Abandoned Senior Dog’s Future
No one knows how long the old dog had been surviving on her own in the woods next to a busy road in Long Beach, California. But in October, when the animal rescue group Hope for Paws went to brin…
Dog and Owner Go on Christmas Walk and Need Emergency Rescue
On December 25, 2015, a 47-year-old pet owner from Estivella, Spain, went on a pleasure walk near the Garbí Viewpoint. The man took his four-legged best friend named Portos along on the nature hike…
Blind Senior Dog Called Christmas Rescued After Spending Month in Well
One could almost call this story The Kind Bosnians that Saved Christmas. After spending a month stuck in a well in Bosnia, a dog called Christmas has been rescued, and thankfully was somehow in g…
Dogs Who Definitely Didn’t Peek At Their Presents
2. “Who me? I’m but a normal elf, I would never, ever peak to see that you got me all new bones.”
The Most Adorable Puppies Of 2015
The Most Adorable Puppies Of 2015. 1. This guide-dog puppy who’s wearing a mini harness to prepare him for his big-boy harness.
2. The Frenchie puppy who tried hard to…
Gifts For People Who Just Really Love Pugs
Pugs are wonderful beings. Gifts For People Who Just Really Love Pugs
1. This fabulous mug.
Get it here.
2. This adorable charm necklace.
3. Or perhaps this cute, little one.
The Story Behind How This Dog Lost His Ear Is Heartbreaking And Inspiring
Jalk Vom Haus Geisthund was adopted by the Valencis family in August 2014. From the start he was a playful, loyal, and affectionate addition to the family.
Jalk shredded toilet rolls and dug hol…
Times Dogs Didn’t Try To Hide Their Feelings
Times Dogs Didn’t Try To Hide Their Feelings. And why should they?
1. When this dog really didn’t like sharing.
Veteran Tears Up On Camera When He Says THIS About His Military Dog…
Lance Cpl. David Pond spent months in Afghanistan during deployment with his military dog, Pablo, by his side.
Together, they overcame several dangerous incidents while searching for hidden bomb…