Dog Stories
CategoryBefore And After Photos Of Dogs Who Were Thrilled To Be Rescued
All these 25 dogs needed was a little bit of love to turn their frowns upside down.
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Dog Owner Returns From The Hospital And Finds His Apartment Trashed
When Craig Sloan returned from the hospital he discovered that something terrible had happened to his apartment. His American bulldog Hugo completely destroyed everything after being left alone for…
Woman Saves Pet Frozen to the Ground in Public Park
Jennifer Williams was walking her dog in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park yesterday morning when she came across a skinny black dog tied to a tree. The pet had been abandoned long enough that her paws froz…
Senior Dog Goes from Caged and Forgotten to Loved and Pampered
Bandit, an elderly dog from Romania, didn’t really know what being loved felt like, but all that changed when he was saved by Howl of a Dog.
This old soul was found in a kill shelter with a …
Happy Birthday… or Not
Some pets really love birthdays – they get lots of attention, new toys, and yummy treats. But for others, they’re hell – party hats, balloons, candles…. See how some of these critters react to the…
Homeless Chihuahua Photographed “Praying” Gets Forever Home
Oliver, a two-year-old Chihuahua found running on the streets of California was picked up as a stray and taken to Baldwin Park shelter in Baldwin Park, Calif. The stray would have probably spent we…
Veteran Chooses Homelessness Over Giving Up Therapy Dogs
Jeremy, a US veteran, lost his home, but could not accept assistance offered by the government because it would have meant giving up his dogs. They’re his family, and he refuses to part with them….
Gypsy The Pit Bull Adopts 3-Week-Old Kitten
From the moment Gypsy the pit bull met her forever family, they knew this dog was one-in-a-million. While the pit bull showed nothing but love for her humans, Gypsy proved to be a godsend when the …
Adorable Monkey and Sweet Pit Bull Are Best Friends! And It’s ADORABLE!
Who doesn’t love seeing an interspecies friendship?! Nothing’s cuter than a kitty and a dog becoming BFFs. Or maybe a puppy and a pig! But the video on the next page? Next level cuteness!
This Dog Was Drowning In A Freezing Pond. When I Saw What They Had To Do To Rescue Him, My Jaw DROPPED.
In Delaware, a dog was walking and wandering around the thin ice, but unfortunately fell through. The poor creature was stranded in the freezing water. According to his owner, Mark Murowany, 13 yea…
Dog Run Over by Train Adopted by Officer Who Saved Her
Last month, Miracle Molly was given her title after she survived being run over by an Amtrak train. She lost her leg in the accident, and Amtrak Police Officer Kevin McMullen rushed over to her an…
Runaway Pit Bull Christens Rookie Cop’s New Cruiser
Officer Larry Taylor, a rookie in the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, was excited yesterday morning to be responding to a call in his new cruiser. And apparently, one very playful pup wanted to hel…
Puppy Found Shot With Arrow Is Lucky to Be Alive
A woman near Regina, Canada, couldn’t believe her eyes when she spotted a young dog roaming on her property with a long arrow piercing its back. It is a miracle the nine-month-old is alive, and tod…
Crane Helps Rescuer Save Dog Trapped in Well
Animal Aid Unlimited volunteers are known for doing whatever it is necessary to rescue injured strays. They scale down walls using just ropes, untangle dogs from iron gates, crawl into tiny filthy …