Dog Stories
CategoryPit Bull sings to her reflection in the mirror
Check out Lola the pit bull as she sings with glee the very first time she sees her own reflection in the bathroom mirror. Or is she just doing a pretty decent Chewbacca impression?
They Left Him At The Shelter Because He Couldn’t See. Too Bad! I Think He’s Perfect Just The Way He Is!
Batty was born blind, which apparently made him expendable. Like so many “disabled” dogs, he was simply left at a shelter so he could be someone else’s “problem.” Well, their loss is Batty’s gain! …
Pretty Like A Flower, Daffodil Gets The Life She Deserves!
This sweet baby, missing her front legs, was abandoned in a cardboard box. Her life could’ve ended there, but thanks to fate and the kindness of others, Daffodil ends up where she belongs! My favor…
Over $50,000 Raised for Rescue Dog That Took Snakebites to Save Little Girl
Haus, a two-year-old German shepherd had only been a part of the DeLuca family for about two months, but it was enough time for him to fall in love with his family. He loves them so much that he t…
After Being Stolen, This Dog Was Finally Returned To His Loving Owner
Winnebago County Animal Services just helped reunite a furry friend and his owner in epic fashion.
About two years ago, a man named Jose from Columbus, Wisconsin, was facing hard times. He lost …
Autistic Boy Finds The Meaning of Love Through Pit Bull
An autistic boy learns love and compassion through the heart of a Pit Bull. Watch this amazing, inspirational journey. Please SHARE SHARE SHARE! Let’s fight those misconceptions.
Thirteen year o…
Stray Dog Shows Up At Elephant Sanctuary And Is Adopted…By An Elephant!
At the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee, Tarra the elephant gets to spend her days roaming free about the sanctuary enjoying each and every day. Out of nowhere one day, a stray dog showed up that wa…
Man Heroically Rushes Into Burning House To Save His Dog
If your house was burning and your dog was trapped inside it, would you risk your life to run in and save him? You may have heard the story about the man who got arrested while trying to save his d…
Proposed Michigan Law: Leaving A Dog In A Car Could Become A Felony
Michigan Senate is taking dogs’ welfare seriously, and for good reason.
Every year, without fail, people leave their dogs for too long in cars that are too hot, or even too cold. This is a form …
Millie The Rescue Dog Feels A Soft Bed For The Very First Time
Millie, the beautiful Bull Terrier, has spent just about all of her life in a cage. Forced to watch the world pass her by, she gave birth to litter after litter of puppies destined for pet shops al…
Service Dog Appears in Yearbook Alongside Student Owner
Middle school can be challenging on a multitude of levels, but at least where his Duchenne muscular dystrophy is concerned, seventh grader Joseph “Seph” Ware, 14, has a trusted friend to help him o…
One Man’s Fight to Save Dogs from Torture and Death in Asia
This is a powerful video from Buzzfeed, sharing the heroics of Marc Ching. This man is on a mission to affect change in Asian countries where the torturing of dogs is believed to make their meat ta…
I Rescued My Dog Augusta, But She Really Rescued Me
This incredibly heart-touching story comes from writer Elizabeth Wurtzel:
I lost Augusta a year ago. I used to say to her: no matter how much you think I love you, I love you more. So much more….
URGENT: Man Seeks Help to Locate Dog After Tornado in Kentucky
Rugar is missing, following the Tornado that ravaged the Graves County area of Kentucky, and Matt James and Brie Keys are trying to get the word out to any and everyone in the hopes of finding thei…