Dog Stories
CategoryMother Dog with Missing Limb and Her Babies Rescued from Roadside in California
A 6-year-old mother dog that had very recently given birth to her litter, along with her babies, have been rescued from a roadside field in California. The poor dog was found to be missing a front…
UPDATE: Collie Matted So Badly He Couldn’t Even Relieve Himself Has Now Been Adopted
Remember Freight? He was living in a railyard for over a month, but had been suffering for far longer than that. He was very fortunately rescued, and then taken in by a lovely foster family. Well, …
Four Puppies is available for Adoption
Tragically, 4,000,000-5,000,000 animals are destroyed each year in the U.S. That’s a shocking and little-known statistic.
As the world’s largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization, …
Baltimore Ravens Rookie Goes to Shelter and Asks to Adopt Dog that No One Wants
Ravens’ rookie Ronnie Stanley went into the BARCS animal shelter, and did something amazing. He was looking for a dog to adopt, but had some special criteria that the dog must fit. He specificall…
Police Officer Helps Save a Puppy from Drowning, then Decides to Become His Dad
Officers from the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office in Florida were leaving a call when they heard something that made them stop: whimpering that was practically imperceptible, coming from a septi…
Dogs Who’ve Been Real Jerks to Their Dear Old Dads
Dog dads absolutely love their pups, but sometimes the little rapscallions pull some pretty unsavory shenanigans. They feel no shame in their game, and even though dad is mad, he loves his little …
Man leaves his dog behind in a car but he had no idea THIS would get viral!
Dogs in hot cars – this is a burning issue and everyone needs to pay attention to it. Police dispatchers face a tough task as every day, they get a lot of calls from people worried about dogs trapp…
German shepherd dog ‘s Owner Passed Away, And What Happened Next Is Simply Unbelievable
German Shepherd Dog is one of the most intelligent dogs and their versatility and excellence in the execution of all kinds of activities obtained his eternal position in the Hall of Fame in monitor…
Dog going crazy when he see his owner after 3 years
We hear many stories about dogs’ reactions to owners coming home after long or short periods. We have witnessed many adorable and joyous reactions. Dogs are very loyal, they can’t resist the distan…
Puppy Reunion with Siblings Four Years After Adoption
Samo was adopted from the Animal Haven Shelter in Soho by my boyfriend (now husband) and I four years ago. On March 6, 2016 we organized a reunion with her and her siblings. She hadn’t seen them si…
Breeder Was Going To Throw Out “Defective” Mastiff Puppy Until This Happens
This Neapolitan Mastiff, a purebred 4 week old puppy was about to be thrown out like trash because she was deemed “defective” but 2nd Chances Rescue raced over to save her.
Willow was born with …
Depressed Dog Stares At The Wall For Weeks After Being Abandoned By His Owners
“Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind”–We all heard that line from the Disney movie Lilo and Stitch.
Our dogs are not just pets to us, they are our best friends, they are…
Bonnie, Heroics Save Her Owner After Fall From Cliff
Even when you prepare for the unexpected, it, somehow, you aren’t. But when you have a faithful friend along, even the worst case scenario may be averted.
Diane Wuest decided to go hiking w…
Thirteen Pit Bulls Rescued from Suspected Fighting Ring in South Carolina
The York County Sheriff’s Office is reporting that they have rescued over a dozen dogs from a suspected dog fighting ring that has been under investigation. The property in question came under sus…