Dog Stories
CategoryShe Was Rescued From A Puppy Mill Months Ago, But When She Turned 10? I’m All Tears.
Puppy mills are places of sadness and abuse. Female dogs are forced to give birth to puppies over and over. What happens to the mother dog when she can no longer have puppies? Well, in Mischa’s cas…
Refusing to Give Up on a Lost Dog Too Exhausted to Move, Hikers Go MacGuyver
When three hikers came across a dog lost in an Australian national park, they knew they had to save her. But she was exhausted from trying to stay alive in deep water, and could no longer move. T…
Dogs Forced to Live on a Roof Rescued from the Bubbling Tar
A pit bull and a Yorkie, abandoned on a New Jersey rooftop, were found dancing around to stop the burning on their feet from its scorching hot tar. It was 96 degrees out, and there wasn’t any wate…
Compassionate Firefighters Free A Frantic Dog That’s Stuck In Fence
There’s nothing like seeing men in uniform take the time to rescue an innocent animal in need. That must be why a video posted on the West Sacramento Fire Department’s Facebook page has received al…
Two-Legged Dog Uses Wheelchair To Cruise With Deaf, Blind Best Friend
Two-legged pup Holly doesn’t let her disability get her down! In fact, she uses her shiny set of wheels to offer rides to her deaf, blind pal, Susie.
Because two of Susie’s senses don’t work, it…
Dog Adopts Four Orphaned Opossums And Gives Them Adorable Piggyback Rides
Baby animals are incredibly cute, but they’re also extremely vulnerable.
Just like human babies, they need the loving attention and protection of their parents in order to make sure they grow bi…
PUPDATE! Bubba the Meth Dog Now Clean, Sober & Adopted!
It’s a happy ending for a story that stared out sad.
Bubba, a Jack Russell terrier-Chihuahua puppy found high on methamphetamine in Tustin, CA, four months ago, is drug-free and has a new family…
Man Put Large Dog in Even Larger Bag When Traveling to Cheer People Up
In today’s day and age, things all over the world can seem like they are going straight to hell. Terrorism, global climate change, the fact that an orange-skinned man with hair not unlike a tumble…
Amazing Before and After of Billy, and Why His Foster Mom Didn’t Keep Him
When you take a look at how things started out for Billy when first rescued, to the Billy of today, the transformation is undeniable. He doesn’t even look like the same dog, and it’s thanks to the…
Heartbreaking Rescue of a Dog Who Refused to Leave Fallen Friend’s Remains
No Kill Kern, a rescue group out of Bakersfield, California, received a call about a dog that had been living in a field for over two months. When volunteers got there, the sight their eyes fell u…
NFL Player Takes a Public Stand Against Dog Fighting
Despite years of public outcry, there are still thousands of people who think there’s nothing wrong with fighting dogs. To help put a stop to this disgustingly brutal hobby, Seattle Seahawks lineba…
Cop Shoots Dog With an AR-15 During a 5-Year-Old’s Birthday Party
This is an absolutely horrendous story. I have no pleasure in sharing this news, and I don’t want to see it any more than you do. But this is egregious, and it needs to stop. He won’t even be charg…
They Rescued A Bait Dog From The Horrors Of Dog Fighting. When They Saw Her Mouth? OMG.
No doubt you have heard or read or even seen what happens to dogs during dog fights – it is a gruesome and disgusting thing. Dogs who are already nasty and mean are trained to be killers. They use …
They Were Shocked To See The Dog Chained Outside. When They Learned Why? Heartbroken.
During a visit to Costa Rica, members of an animal rescue organization from Los Angeles called Hope for Paws got a call about a dog chained to an abandoned house.
Hope for Paws is a non-prof…