Dog Photos
Category“Yesterday I Learned That My Mom Has No Idea What Our Dog Looks Like”
We’ve all had those brain fart moments, where our minds draw a blank on something that we thought was permanently etched in there. Jeff Squires’ mom seems to have had one of those moments when she …
These 18 dogs prove life is far more interesting with a pet
In case you were wondering if life is better with a dog, this is the post for you. And if you’re already a dog owner, you’ll understand and agree with all of this!
1) Somehow they ALWAYS find th…
Dogs Are Awesome (INFOGRAPHIC)
Is there anything here you don’t already know? Perhaps, perhaps not – but this entertaining infographic is packed with fun facts about our best friends.
12 signs your dog is really just a furry child
You know your dog is basically a child with paws. Here are 12 signs that prove it:
1) They always let you know when it’s snack time.
2) You no longer eat dinner alone.
3) You now have …
Make Way For Love: Watch These Dogs Welcome Their Furry New Siblings
Bringing a newborn home to meet its siblings is always a tricky experience regardless of the species. Luckily, dogs tend to be some of the most loving, accepting animals, embracing siblings of all …
Here Are 9 Dogs That Clearly Don’t Understand A Thing
Life is hard and can be quite confusing. Sometimes, you just have one of those days that make you cock your head and stare at someone in complete bemusement. Humans aren’t the only ones who feel th…
This Little Frenchie Really, Really, Really Loves to Eat
Meet Bluenjy (pronounced Blue N G). This little French bulldog is a male model, social media guru, and therapy dog in training. There’s one thing Bluenjy definitely isn’t though— a food snob!
These 15 pets were left with the sitter, and now their owners totally regret it
As much as we love our pets, there are times we have to leave them for an extended period of time. And that’s what the sitter is for. But these owners now regret leaving their furbabies with the si…
Things That Dogs And ONLY Dogs Look Cute Doing
1. Fart in another person’s face.
2. Pee on the floor out of spite.
3. Eat a shoe, ‘cuz why not?
4. Bite someone’s dick by surprise.
5. Eat crayons and literally taste the rainbow.
Dogs Who Don’t Have A Clue About The General Election
1. Unlike us tired and emotionally exhausted humans, dogs are blissfully unaware of the concept of politics.
“Elections? I don’t know what they are, I am a dog” – all dogs.
The words “May…