Dog Photos
CategoryWoman’s Exercise Routine Cut Short When Litter Of Pups Appear At Her Feet
In a moment of heartbreaking cruelty, three tiny puppies were separated from their mother and left in a styrofoam box near a garbage dump. Alone and vulnerable, they cried for comfort, huddling tog…
Dog Tangled Around A Tree, Made A Bed Out Of Trash And Fallen Leaves
Recently, the team at Stray Rescue of St. Louis (SRSL) stumbled upon a heartbreaking scene while driving through the bustling streets of Missouri.
Mama Dog Clutched Pups As Temps Dropped, Sat In Box On Frosty Grass
Suzette Hall, a dedicated dog rescuer, faced the usual challenges of her demanding job, filled with both triumphs and moments of heartbreak. The role, while exhausting, brought immense fulfillment—…
All She Had Was Her Toy And Memory Of Her Owner Etched Deep Inside
Dogs belong inside a home, being cared for and loved. But sadly, for some, it takes a journey and team effort to get them there.
Beautiful one year old shepherd just wants to go home and leave the shelter
Mia Toretto is a volunteer favorite at the City of San Bernardino Animal Service. This gorgeous German shepherd is only a year old and was found as a stray on August 11. Since August 15, she has…
10 Shelter Dog Finalists In Dirty Dogs Contest Beg For Your Vote
The Dirty Dogs Contest is celebrating 12 years and the transformations are breathtaking. Many dogs arrive matted, underweight, and covered in dirt. It is amazing what a warm bath, grooming session, and love can do.
Canine-Shaped Clouds Fuel Belief That Dogs Indeed Go To Heaven
Gazing into the sky and interpreting cloud shapes is a whimsical pastime for children and dreamers alike. Occasionally, a cloud will eerily resemble a particular figure or creature, sparking awe an…
Rescue Puppy Featured In Betty White Oscar Tribute Adopted By John Travolta’s Son
Betty White will always be remembered for her love of animals and her iconic roles over the years. Fellow actress, Jamie Lee Curtis, took to the stage to honor her friend while holding a rescue puppy named Mac N Cheese.
Puppy Discarded In Road Scurries Off To A Brush And Emerges With A Posse
A rescue group received a call from a passerby who saw an abandoned puppy dangerously close to the road. Prepared to save him, the group made their way over. The rescuers drove several miles and came to the dirt road. Off in the distance, they could see a tiny puppy sitting beside a worn down pillar.
Pit Bull From Kill-Shelter Senses Boy Is Sick & Goes Straight For Him
All dogs are special. We are so blessed to have them in our lives. Sometimes, however, a dog comes along where their innate senses go beyond the average dog. This story is about one special pup named Aladdin.
30 Wholesome Photos Of Dogs Before And After Being Rescued
Even though it can be tempting to get a dog from a kennel, the sad reality is that animal shelters are absolutely overfilled with dogs of all breeds and ages. And all of them are anxiously awaiting to find their forever home and become your best partner.
30 People Are Sharing Animal Pics That Everyone Should See
Every pet owner will tell you that without animals, their lives would be nowhere as interesting as they are now. And it’s not hard to see why – it seems like not a day goes by without them coming up some ridiculous activity that makes the owners wonder “what on Earth are they thinking?”.
20 Funny Comics Showing What Animals Would Say If They Could Talk
Have you ever found yourself staring at your pet and asking yourself “What on earth are they thinking about?”. Well, artist there’s one artist out there that just might have the answer.
30 Photos Of Dogs Before And After Being Rescued, And It’s Too Wholesome
She’s The Sweetest Creature I’ve Ever Met. I Don’t Always Know What To Say About Her Transformation Other Than “Look.” The First Picture Is A Month Before The Second, The Last Is Her 2 Year Gotcha-Versary…