Caring Pooch Thinks Bunny Pet Is Her Baby, And It’s Beyond Adorable

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Female dogs can develop motherly instinct even if they don’t have puppies on their own. This loving German Shepherd thinks that the rabbit is her own baby and she is obsessed about it.

In this video, the owner is filming her adorable dog who is so anxious for what’s coming next. This precious German Shepherd has somehow learned that she has a baby. Only by spelling the letters of the word ‘baby’ gets this dog up and running towards the room where the baby rests.

It is very curious how this canine got the idea that she has a baby, and not just any baby. She is certain that the rabbit is her baby and she is obsessed about it.

The dog is sitting and looking at the camera, but secretly picking in the direction where she desperately wants to go, to visit her b-a-b-y! Somehow this cute dog developed motherly instinct that the rabbit is her baby, and every time her owner asks “Where is your baby?” the dog runs down the room where the rabbit lives, and watches over it!

Rabbit’s cage is on the top of the placard and the German Shepherd is looking up at it. The owner then asks the dog to say “Hi” to her baby and she raises her front two legs up the placard in order to get a better look at her baby. How adorable!

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