BREAKING NEWS: Midwest Town Makes It Illegal To Do THIS To Your Dog!

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Dog lovers rejoice! A U.S. Midwest town has passed a bill that will help save dogs lives across the area. Hopefully this will set a trend across the entire United States!

City Council in Springfield, Missouri has just recently passed a bill making it illegal to have dogs tied up for hours on end. In fact – not even ONE hour at all!

The council unanimously voted to pass the bill and targets dog owners who leave their dogs tethered on chains for hours on end. The reasons behind this bill are obvious to many but news to others.

Many Humane Societies across the country are attempting to spread awareness of the harm that can be done to animals AND humans if dogs are left tethered for long periods of time. They can become dangerous.


Tethered dogs often become anxious and bored – even antisocial. This can cause these pups to negatively act out and potentially bite or hurt someone.

There is ONE extra rule in particular that is so important – it made me smile when I read it. You will too!

There are exceptions to the Springfield bill: tethering can be allowed only on rare occasions when the owner may need to complete a task that requires it – but only for a reasonable amount of time. Also – during the time that the dog is tethered – they MUST be provided adequate shelter and water.

And best of all? ANYTIME a dog is tethered for any reason – it must be with a non-choke type of collar or restraint. I can hear dogs howling in relief right now! Dog owners who violate this new law – WILL be fined.

If you’d like to read the full wording of the bill you can do so here.

Source: DogHeirs

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