Bonded shepherds taken in at shelter – nobody has come forward for them

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Several weeks ago, two bonded shepherds, dubbed “Luke,” and “Leia,” were taken in at the Victor Valley Animal Protective League Humane Society in Apple Valley, California. The dogs are beautiful, and friendly, but nobody has come forward to claim them as their own.

According to a volunteer who photographs dogs at the animal shelter facility, Luke and Leia adore being near one another (neither are fixed and there is speculation that they may have been a breeding pair), but Leia becomes very stressed if she is separated from her friend.

Luke and Leia have no idea why they are locked away behind bars – right now, they could use the help of strangers. Please share the adoption information for these beautiful German shepherds. Luke and Leia are located in kennel C-17. It is believed that Luke is approximately four to six years of age and Leia is three to five years of age.

VVAPL Humane Society
Phone: 760-247-2102

(Photos via Susanna Roy)

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