Blind Dog Abandoned on Park Bench Gets Rescued

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Polly is a blind dog from Santa Barbara, California.  One day, some heartless creep dumped her off on a park bench, and abandoned her for good.  Thanks to Foreverhome Pet Rescue, Polly has a second shot at a happy life.

It’s suspected that poor Polly was used to breed, endlessly.  Once she was no longer of any use to the people that abused her for so long, they simply decided to leave her for dead somewhere.

Foreverhome Pet Rescue said that she not only had given birth very recently, but was also suffering from a heart condition and a very serious skin infection.  A fundraiser was set up for her, and she would soon be on the road to recovery.

She has her very own Facebook page, where Foreverhome keeps her progress documented.  If you’d like to view the page, and check out her current condition, you can click here.  If you’d like to see Foreverhome Pet Rescue’s Facebook page, click here.  If you’d like their main page, click here.


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