Bingo, saved from death row now fighting cancer

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Life hasn’t been easy for Bingo, nor has luck been on his side. Not much is known about his early life or if he ever had any kind of home/family stability. However, his string of bad luck started when he almost ended up at a very high kill shelter in the Tampa, Florida area when a landlord stated Bingo could not stay because of his breed.

Lucky for the dog, his owner met up with a Good Samaritan and well-known animal advocate and rescuer named Anastasia Devaris while in a store. Bingo’s owner explained her plight and her hopes that Bingo would be adopted from the shelter if she took him there.

Anastasia knew all too well that Bingo would most likely not make it out of the county shelter alive due to his breed or worse, end up in the hands of the wrong person. She made a quick decision to take Bingo then and there.  She fell in love with his sweet face and pleading eyes. Even though she had no specific plans of where to take him, she knew death was not an option.

Anastasia placed Bingo in boarding very close to her home and visited him daily. She wanted him to know he was not being abandoned, that he was loved and would never be alone. To help make him more adoptable, she also hired a personal trainer to work with him once a week.

While Bingo was in boarding, Anastasia worked very diligently to find him a permanent home. And one day, she received good news; someone could take him in. It seemed like Bingo’s luck was finally turning around.  And, the best thing was, the people who offered to take him were friends of Anastasia, so she knew he would be well cared for.

Unfortunately, the family could not take Bingo in immediately because they were in the middle of moving. Weeks turned into months when the devastating news arrived; the family could not take Bingo after all due to circumstances beyond their control.  Anastasia was heartbroken, and Bingo was once again homeless and would have to remain in boarding.

As if things couldn’t get any worse for Bingo, they did. During one of Anastasia’s visits with him, she noticed some lumps on Bingo’s throat that weren’t there before. She took him to a veterinarian and had some blood work done.  It was discovered that Bingo had Lymphoma cancer. She took him to four vets for second opinions.

The consensus was, Bingo’s only hope was chemo treatments. Without these treatments, he’d only last 4-6 weeks. It was almost too much to bear. Hadn’t Bingo suffered enough?  But Anastasia wasn’t going to let Bingo succumb to his illness. She had saved him once from death row and was determined to save him again.

They say it takes a village to save someone, and a village came together for Bingo.  He started his chemo treatment under the care of Dr. Nations in Winter Haven, Florida. And, to make Bingo’s recovery more comfortable, a fellow rescuer took Bingo into her home to foster him.

Unfortunately, cancer treatment is expensive. The cost to continue Bingo’s care will be a minimum of $5,000.00, but this is the only way he will live a good life.

Be part of Bingo’s village.  He could have gone to a shelter and died alone and forgotten with no one even knowing his name. But fate intervened and he wants to stay alive. Make a difference and help change one dumped dog’s life for the better. He will be forever grateful to you.

Donations can be made through the Gofundme that’s been set for him at

Donations can also be called in directly to Dr. Nations at 863-324-3340 and state for Bingo Devaris.

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