Belgium bed and breakfast doubles as a sanctuary for disabled dogs

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There is a rather unique bed and breakfast in Belgium that not only serves as a vacation getaway for tourists but is also a home for 21 disabled dogs. The bed and breakfast, known as Domaine du Chien, which translates to “dog area” is run by Li Kyriakou.

The dogs come from all over; places like Romania, Greece, the Ukraine, and Spain. All the dogs sent to Domaine du ChIen are either sick, disabled and were going to be euthanized because of their condition.

One of the dogs lucky enough to have found their way to Domaine du Chien is Leah, who came from a large shelter in the Ukraine. She was found with her legs, tail and ears cut off. Everyone else wanted to have Leah euthanized, but Li said no, and took her in. Today Leah is a happy girl doing quite well with 4 prosthetic limbs. She even has her own Facebook page.

Then there was Eva who came from Greece when a shelter there had to re-locate 70 dogs. Poor Eva was full of wounds, and her hips were completely broken. At first no one was able to touch her. Now sweet Eva can walk normally again and is one of the most social dogs they have.

Many of the other dogs on the property are paralyzed and either have prosthetic limbs (a costly procedure) or rely on carts to get around.

To help defray the cost of keeping so many special needs dogs fed, housed, and healthy, Li sells a wonderful product that works against ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes for horses and dogs. The lotion also heals skin problems in horses and dogs. They ship all over the world. For more information, or to shop their products, visit their website

An English version of the site will be available soon. They also have a Facebook page.

So many sickly, disabled, and elderly dogs were given a second chance to live out their lives peacefully in a haven, thanks to Li Kyriakou; dogs that others were so quick to want to give up on and throw away like trash.

Please support Domaine du Chien so they can continue their amazing work.

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