Beautiful, friendly dog homeless due to ‘landlord issues’
A handsome dog, who is said to be friendly, has found himself homeless thanks to his former owner’s “landlord issues.” The dog, a beautiful black German shepherd named “Lukas,” arrived at the Carson Animal Services facility on April 20 – sadly, Lukas is one of dozens of homeless animals who are currently being held at the shelter which is packed to capacity.
Just after Lukas’ arrival, the volunteer-run Facebook page, Saving Carson Shelter Dogs, wrote:
LUKAS is stunning and sweet and he was left at the Shelter due to landlord problems. He needs help fast, the Shelter is FULL and if he gets too stressed and shows any aggression they will PTS!! Please SHARE for his life, he’s SO special and a FOSTER or ADOPTER would save him. Thanks!
Lukas is just three years of age – he is in the prime of his life and he should be enjoying time with an adoring family who will keep him safe from harm. Please help Lukas find his new owner by taking a moment to share his adoption information.
Petharbor link here. Los Angeles County Animal Control – Carson at (310) 523-9566
Ask for information about animal ID number A5052087Note: All inquiries about availability and temperament must be directed to the animal control agency.
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