Beautiful Blind Dog Has Her Own Seeing-Eye Dog, But They Both Need A Home

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Lovely German shepherds Babs and Bart came into rescue together about a year ago. They are best friends. But in the time since, Babs’ glaucoma progressed to the point of painfulness. Her eyes had to be removed.

But even though she’s no longer sighted, Bart, her constant companion, helps her get around just fine.

“He’s kind of her Seeing Eye dog,” says Jim Wenger of the Dallas-area DFW Rescue Me told KDVR. “If he goes into a room, she’ll go into a room. If he gets on the couch, she’ll get on the couch, into the car. It’s amazing. Watching her, you wouldn’t even know she doesn’t have eyes,” Wendger said.

Both these beautiful dogs are up for adoption but those who have been looking after them know it’s a bit of a tall order.

“The difficult thing on finding them homes is they really need to be the only dogs in the house because Bart is a little protective of Babs and wants to be sure that she’s all right. And that’s a little difficult because not all homes are ready to go from zero dogs to two,” Wenger said.

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