Beautiful Akita ‘sneezing and nasal’ must leave shelter immediately before she is euth’ed
At the San Bernardino Animal Shelter Devore facility, Anastasia has been scheduled to be euthanized at anytime without further notice.
My name is Med Adopt Anatasia.
I am a female, brown merle and white Akita mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Sep 29, 2023. For more information about this animal, call San Bernardino County – Devore Shelter at (909) 386-9820. Ask for information about animal ID number A786684.
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Volunteer notes state Anatasia is “so wonderful and just the most gorgeous fluffer ever.” Sadly, she is going to lose her life because of a cold. She needs a responsible adopter or foster for rescue NOW. She cannot wait. Please share with approved rescue organizations, friends, family and social media contacts. Sharing saves lives.
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