Bagel Shop Worker Captures Adorable Faces of Dogs Passing By Her Drive-Thru Window

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Working in customer service might be a drag for some, but for Einstein Bros Bagels employee Natasha Jones, it’s time well spent with adorable dogs that visit her drive-thru window. Jones posts photos of her fluffy visitors on Instagram, where she encourages customers to “stop by with your best friend & have a doggie bagel on me.” The Wickham Road store in Melbourne, Florida makes beef-flavored bagels especially for the hungry dogs, who are captured in their owners cars, excitedly waiting for their tasty treat.

Shortly after joining Einstein in November, Jones was delighted to meet the store’s loyal customers that include every type of pooch, from tiny Chihuahuas and Pomeranian pups to big, friendly giants such as Heidi the German Shepherd. “I’ve been taking pictures of dogs since December,” explains Natasha. “I just thought they were too cute not to share.” After less than one month, Jones’ Instagram profile is rapidly becoming an Internet favorite, with currently almost 3,000 followers.

Follow Jones on Instagram to see more of the super-cute hungry hounds.

Einstein Bros Bagels employee Natasha Jones meets a range of adorable dogs who regularly visit her drive-thru window.

She shares photos of her loyal customers on Instagram, who each get a special beef flavored bagel when they visit.

The fluffy friends range from tiny pups to big, friendly hounds…

…and even cats.

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