Baby Husky Tries To Howl, Sounds Like A Star Wars Character

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Anyone a huge Star Wars fan? If you are, you’re probably going enjoy this one little puppy in the litter. Lightsabers and Death Stars aside, any fan of the mighty franchise will want to get this puppy for themselves the moment you hear him “speak”

Sure, it’s a cute copper colored husky puppy, the only one who is not interested in an afternoon nap. Why would he, it’s a complete waste of precious time. He can do so much with that time, like learn to walk, or maybe throw a wicked character impersonation. He sure did the second part right!

In the entire litter of baby huskies, this one howls just like a Wookie. He tries to be all intimidating, attempting a howl like a mean old wolf, but ends up sounding like Chewbacca! Maybe this clip will reach the master ears of JJ Abrams and this little guy will land a role as an extra in the newest Star Wars movie! It is only fitting to name this little guy Chewbacca, let’s hope the owner did so!

How cute is this little guy? Isn’t he just adorable? Watch as he tries to howl, but cuteness ensues. Can’t blame the little guy for trying. He’ll get it one day.

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