Dog Sees Darth Vader For The First Time And Hides Behind The Couch In Fear
As seen in a recent TikTok video, it’s not only humans who are afraid of Darth Vader, but dogs are too!
Family Reunited With Missing Emotional Support Dog After Scammers Tried to Sell Him On Facebook
Being gifted a new dog is one of the most exciting feelings in the world. The instant bond, the excited anticipation of getting to know each other, and the new sense of companionship that comes with a new pet are truly wonderful.
Florida Police Officer Rescues Dog Trapped Inside Burning Home
A Florida family lost their home and all their belongings in a fire, but were reunited with their beloved dog thanks to a quick-thinking officer.
In Louisiana, Heartworm-Positive Shelter Dogs Have A Slim Chance Of Survival. We Need Your Help Flying Them To Safety!
Cronus, Maz, and Psodien are all young, happy shelter dogs seeking a forever home. Cronus is an energetic goofball who loves to cuddle, play, and shadow his humans. Maz is an affectionate 2.5-year-old terrier mix who charms everyone she meets with big puppy dog eyes.
18 Dog Products On Amazon Reviewers Have Literally Called “Genius”
A round of *apaws* for these products.
“Speak for Me,” A Poem Written In Protest Of Animal Abuse
I haven’t seen anyone for days.
My bones ache for attention,
As I see you walk away.
It didn’t use to be that way.
I guess I got to be too much to handle
As I now sit alone in my deserted land.
Kayla, My Angel From The Puppy Mill
In 2009, an animal shelter where I do volunteer work rescued approximately 300 dogs from a puppy mill. Kept on two smallholdings in horrible conditions and left to breed indiscriminately – some for many years.
46 Chihuahuas Rescued From Hoarding Situation In New Mexico After Owner Passes Away
46 chihuahuas are looking for loving homes after they were rescued from a hoarding situation in Albuquerque, New Mexico, after their owner passed away.
Pit Bull ‘Asks’ Shelter Employee To Help Her Four Freezing Puppies
Shelter staff from the Foothills Animal Shelter in Lakewood, Colorado discovered a loving pit bull who appeared to need help. The pit bull, who they named Betty, was wandering outside in the cold and seemed to be hungry and worried.
Missouri Has Led The U.S. In Puppy Mills For Nearly A Decade Running
Missouri has more documented puppy mills than any other state in the U.S., leading the Humane Society of the United States’ ‘Horrible Hundred‘ list for the better part of a decade.
Dad And His 10-Year-Old Son Use Their Time In Quarantine To Build A ‘Stick Library’ For Local Dogs
During these times, we need as much support and positivity as we can get, so communities all over the world are trying to lift each other’s spirits with small good deeds. You have probably seen little outdoor libraries for sharing and exchanging books with your neighbors. One Canadian family took this idea to another level, not forgetting about an important member of the community—a dog.
This Instagram-Famous Dog Fashionista Looks Like A Pop Star
Bontenmaru, is a Shih Tzu dog, who currently lives in Tokyo, Japan with his owners. Surprisingly enough, the dog’s Instagram account became very successful recently. The 6-year old pet is considered sort of a model and digital influencer, with almost 24 thousand followers, and as of today, Bontenmaru’s pictures gain thousands of likes.
Panther Abandoned By Its Mother Grows Up With A Human And Rottweiler
Luna is an adorable panther that was born in a zoo in Siberia. For some unknown reason, her mother completely rejected her and refused to give her much-needed milk and care. Luna’s chances for surviving were slim, but thankfully, an amazing woman came to the rescue.
Artist Makes Realistic Pet Portraits Using Only A Pencil, Here Are The Best 49 Works
As much as it’s hard to believe, these incredibly detailed realistic pet portraits are not photographs but in fact hand-drawn pencil drawings. This art style is called hyperrealism and as you’ve probably seen it at first glance, it resembles a cute photograph of a pet but after you take a closer look and focus on details, you realize that it’s actually a very realistic drawing in black and white.