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Dad And His 10-Year-Old Son Use Their Time In Quarantine To Build A ‘Stick Library’ For Local Dogs

During these times, we need as much support and positivity as we can get, so communities all over the world are trying to lift each other’s spirits with small good deeds. You have probably seen little outdoor libraries for sharing and exchanging books with your neighbors. One Canadian family took this idea to another level, not forgetting about an important member of the community—a dog.

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Artist Makes Realistic Pet Portraits Using Only A Pencil, Here Are The Best 49 Works

As much as it’s hard to believe, these incredibly detailed realistic pet portraits are not photographs but in fact hand-drawn pencil drawings. This art style is called hyperrealism and as you’ve probably seen it at first glance, it resembles a cute photograph of a pet but after you take a closer look and focus on details, you realize that it’s actually a very realistic drawing in black and white.