Dog On Euthanasia List Learns How To Walk Again
When a dog named Doc suddenly lost his ability to walk, his owner left him at a shelter, claiming that he could no longer care for the dog. Doc was then placed on the shelter’s euthanasia list that very same day.
Dog Loves To Play Connect Four And Jenga With His Owners
All dogs are pretty smart. But there are some dog breeds out there that are just known for having a high capacity for intelligence. Amongst those breeds happens to be the Australian Shepherd dogs.
Dog Fails As A Guide Dog But Is Now Doing Well Sniffing COVID
I don’t think we need anyone to tell us that dogs are amazing. As a matter of fact, simply having a dog in your home for a matter of hours will prove to you that they are some of the greatest creatures ever to walk the face of the earth.
Man Adopts An English Bulldog Only To Find That The Dog Only Understands Spanish
You never quite know what you are going to see when you watch a TikTok video. For those who are interested in seeing dog videos, however, there are endless videos to choose from.
Man Dressed As ‘Batman’ Helps A Lost Dog Find His Way Home
Life can be difficult when you’re a dog living on the street. That fact is clearly evident when you look at the life of Monsieur, a dog that was picked up as a stray in Hillsborough County.
Dog Hides With Her Puppies Hoping Help Would Arrive
We sometimes hear about dogs that do amazing things but even the fact that a mother dog is willing to care for her puppies is amazing beyond belief. At times, we may even see this in action and that is what happened in Serbia.
Dog Reunited With Family After Being Stolen During An Attack
Our pets are a part of our family and there isn’t anything that we wouldn’t do for them same as any human member of our household. That is precisely why one man ran several miles in order to reunite with the beloved family dog, Minnie.
Hero Dog Saves His Friend From Drowning In The Pool
There is nothing that a dog won’t do for someone they care about. It is this unwavering love and loyalty that often drives them to heroic acts.
Dog Cries Every Time The Baby Cries
Welcoming a new baby to the family can be a time of joy, but it also comes with a lot of added stress. Every time the baby cries, the parents (or, at least the mom) perks up and does everything possible to calm the baby.
Rescued German Shepherd Becomes Mason Police Department’s First K-9 Officer
The city of Mason, Michigan, has just welcomed their first K-9 officer and she is a rescue dog!
Meet Goma, The “Mickey Mouse” Dog With Giant Fluffy Ears
Meet Goma, the real-life cartoon dog! This seven-year-old Maltese/Papillon mix has been blessed by both breeds, giving her perfectly shaped Mickey Mouse ears.
20+ Problem-Solving Pet Products From Amazon You’ll Wish You’d Thought Of First
You’ll have so much extra free time after using these problem-solving products.
Dog Sees Darth Vader For The First Time And Hides Behind The Couch In Fear
As seen in a recent TikTok video, it’s not only humans who are afraid of Darth Vader, but dogs are too!
Family Reunited With Missing Emotional Support Dog After Scammers Tried to Sell Him On Facebook
Being gifted a new dog is one of the most exciting feelings in the world. The instant bond, the excited anticipation of getting to know each other, and the new sense of companionship that comes with a new pet are truly wonderful.