Looks Like The Perfect Dinner But 5 Seconds Later Watch The Table…OMG!
I bet a lot of people would agree that YouTube ads are annoying. You pick a video, but then before you can watch it, an ad comes on, and then you have to wait for a couple of seconds to click ‘Skip…
At First, It Looks Like This Chick Is Doomed, But What Happens Next Is Adorable
When you see someone in pain, you probably feel the urge to help them out. Animals are no different.
At the start of this video, it might seem like this pup has malicious intentions. But after a…
Look Closely: What This Pug Does At The 18 Second Mark Is Hysterical
Pugs aren’t particularly known for their grace and agility, and this little guy named Oscar proves why.
While enjoying a run on the trail, his bigger buddy effortlessly leaps over a log laying i…
Instead Of Going On A Walk Like Most Dogs, This Tiny Bulldog Does The Cutest Thing
Long walks in the park can be quite exhausting, especially if you have tiny little legs like this adorable British Bulldog, Lola. She was having some trouble keeping up with her bigger dog-sibling …
When Baby Started To Cry, This Dog Had A Reaction You Need To See For Yourself
I admit that changing poopy diapers was never the best part of raising my child. I don’t feel an extra-special “bond” just because I powdered a tiny butt. Perhaps I’d feel a bit different if I had …
Missing Dog Found Stuck in Tortoise Den
On February 19, 2015, Karen Ziegler from Mesa, Ariz., returned home to find her husband desperately looking for their 12-year-old black Labrador pet named BB. Ziegler’s husband said he knew the…
Precious, the Bait and Trash Can Dog Gets New Life
Last month, Chapalar Griggs opened her home’s door and heard a dog crying. The cries were coming from inside a garbage can. The woman immediately called a local rescue group to get the dog to safet…
Ultra Slow Motion Video Shows Fascinating Fact About Dogs That We Never Knew
Dogs are truly amazing creatures. They have very good hearing, their sense of smell is excellent, and boy can they run fast! But did you know that even the simple action of a dog drinking is fascin…
Watch This Hero Dog Endure A Lengthy Journey To Feed Neighboring Animals.
Meet Lilica, a Brazilian junk yard dog with the heart of a champion. Why do you ask? Because she endures tremendous pain to help those around her… and by “around her,” I mean 4 miles away. Take a…
Some Dogs Can Play Fetch, But This Pug Can Do Something Sincerely Impressive
When it comes to marking territory, this dog wins the award for the most creative approach. Even the meanest wolf would be impressed (if he had access to YouTube), and the burliest bro will be asha…
When These Babies Start Crying, Their Furry Friends Knew Just What To Do
There’s a good reason dogs are known as man’s best friend. They’re there for you when you need cheering up, when you need a pal to watch Netflix with, and when you need a helping hand to take care …
This Pup Was Given A Deadly Diagnosis, But Her Family Found An Adorable Remedy
When Abigail, this adorable little pup, was diagnosed with megaesophagus, her family didn’t simply give up on a “defective” dog like so many cruel owners have done in the past.
As its name sugge…
Did the killer get the wrong dog? Police called in after Jagger’s owner claims he was fed poisoned cubes of beef intended for another dog that looks very similar
The world of dog breeding was rocked by scandal last night amid allegations that a prize-winner at this year’s Crufts was deliberately poisoned.
In a plot straight from the pages of a detectiv…
Depot Employees Build Wagon for Senior Dog with Cancer
Ike is 15-and-a-half years old, but he will always be Risa Feldman’s baby boy. Sadly, he was diagnosed with cancer and likely only has a few months left, but he will get to spend them travelin…