Instead of Playing Fetch With This Paintbrush, This Dog Did Something Amazing
There are plenty of talented dogs in the world, all with their own special bag of tricks. Many well-trained doggie daredevils ride skateboards or balance odd objects on their heads. Some helpful ca…
Big Sister Takes Little Brother for a Walk
Proof positive that “the buddy system” actually works. Sandy loves her little bro, and knows he needs someone has to teach Ringo how to dog.
Bull Terriers Make a Snuggle Sandwich
Who needs a couch to sprawl out on when you can pile on a chair with your bully brothers?
Are 10 Dogs Looking Goofy While Eating
Have you ever caught your dog eating something he is not supposed to be eating. Maybe your shoe, a sock or even your lunch? Well, here are 10 dogs that look pretty funny while eating either somethi…
These Service Dogs Are Adding Hope To The Lives Of Disabled People
When a person is born with a disability, as millions are each year, their day to day routines are disrupted. They often rely on the help of family members to do simple tasks like getting dressed fo…
Man Plays Hide N Seek With Dogs And Wins – Watch The Table
Do you play hide and seek with your dogs? Dogs are great in playing hide and seek! And it’s because they have a powerful sense of smell that can lead their noses right to where you are! All they ha…
These Stray Dogs Showed Up At A Funeral – The Reason Why Is Heart Breaking
During her life in Mérida, Mexico, Margarita Suárez always kept her heart and her door open for stray animals in desperate need. She started each day by feeding over 20 cats who came to her porch, …
There’s Nothing This Cute Raccoon Wants More Than Being BFF With These 2 Dogs
Sure, raccoons have been known to do some silly things, but this guy is taking things to a new level. He’s the most enthusiastically cuddly raccoon I’ve ever seen, and he really wants to be a part …
Adorable Dog Buns
If you thought the man bun was a hot hair trend, wait until you see the dog bun. It’s hot and adorable at the same time. Men have almost no chance against these adorable pooches.
This Dog Would Really Love To Catch Your Treats, But Just…Can’t…DO IT.
If you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, then this pup is destined to forever be picking up her treats from the floor. Maybe she should have logged a few more practice hours if she wanted to catch…
Terminally Ill Army Dog Is Honored By Her Humans Is The Most Powerful Way
Dogs serve a special purpose within our daily lives, but their impact can be felt even more so within the industries they so bravely work for. Whether it’s a police dog, a service animal helping th…
Man Arrested For Saving His Dog From A Burning Home
We doglovers would do absolutely anything to save our dogs. Just recently, we featured a tragic story of man who died while he was rescuing his dog who fell through an icy pond.
How about you? W…
This Might Be The Best Dog Mom Ever – Watch What Happens At 3:17…
One known cure for a very bad day is a puppy video If you’re a doglover, a puppy video will always make you smile! So to those who are in need of their daily dose of cuteness, we bring cuteness tim…
Cop Stops This Woman With A Pit Bull And Does Something She Could Have Never Expected
When a police asks us to stop or pull over, most of us would begin to worry what we might have done wrong. It’s because when the police usually ask people to stop or pull over, it’s because they di…