Abandoned Dog Left Out in the Cold Is Now Safe in a Shelter
For more than a week, Dayton, Ohio, animal rescuers and locals tried to rescue a dog exposed to freezing temperatures after the pet was left in a caged pen outside a vacant home. Because the dog wa…
Dog Refuses to go Outside
Some times dogs won’t do what they’re told, no matter what.
Gracie seems to have a valid reason why she refuses to go outside. Maybe it is cold. Maybe it is too dark. Maybe she just doesn’t have…
Dog Saves Owner After Almost Fatal Horseback Riding Accident
Tracy Matkea from Calahoo, Canada, is alive today thanks to her loyal Australian shepherd/border collie dog named Becky-Jo. Matkea suffered an almost fatal fall from a horse back on Jan. 10, 2016. …
Five Questions Pet Owners Ask Their Dogs
Here is a video compilation of the top five questions all pet owners ask their pets. The best part is that we have the dogs’ reactions to these questions. Watch and laugh.
Dog Flu Strain Has Vets Across US Warning People of Dangers
It isn’t quite slamming every single state in the US as of yet, but vets everywhere are warning humans of the dangers presented by a strain of the dog flu that seems to be making its way everyw…
Great Dane from Nevada Expected to Take Record for World’s Tallest Dog
Yes, yes. All of us dog people know that great Danes can be some of the biggest dogs around. Well, meet Rocko. He’s a member of the Helms-Williams family, and they are now trying to get him …
Dog Helps Baby Elephant Find Will to Live
Ellie, a baby elephant rejected by his own herd had little desire to live, but this all changed when he met his new best friend Duma, a former service and sniffer dog.
Ellie had no family and to…
The Dramatic Rescue of Bibi the Dog
When Bibi the tiny Maltese-shitzu cross was blown off a pier in gale-force winds, his despairing owner Sue Drummond feared the worst.
Dog Leads Police To The Fire
Redditor, ‘Dudurin’ wrote:
“The guys house caught fire and the troopers GPS unit jammed while he was driving out there. The drive to their house was MUCH farther then the .gif depicts.
This Dog and Rat Are the Cutest BFFs You’ll Ever See
Osiris and his buddy Riff Ratt are the cutest sensation on Instagram right now. They are closer than any canine and rodent combo should be, but Riff Ratt was rescued as a baby, and Osiris is an ex…
Adorable Pitbull Puppy Named Lt. Dan
Meet Lt. Dan! He was born without the use of his back legs but as you can see, it hasn’t slowed him down one bit. The little guy is going to be in need of a forever family to be a part of real soon…
Kind Woman Agrees to Pet Sit for Inmate
How many of us say on a daily base that we want to pay it forward, do good deeds or help others? How many of us deliver on our wishful promises? Australian freelance journalist Jo Jarvis, might hav…
Pet Emergency Surgery: The Worst Thing Your Dog Ate
We know our dogs get into places they’re not supposed to get into, like the pantry, the couch cushions, the underwear and sock drawers, the garbage…you name it. Some way or another, our curious fou…
Chinese Dog Goes Shopping for Owner
A dog in China has been trained to go shopping on behalf of its owners.
Report by Sophie Foster for ITN.