Leave Your Pets Tied Up And Unattended Outside During Extreme Weather, Pay A $500 Fine!
Cold weather is coming! Please be kind and don’t tie up your animals outside and then leave them there – would you like to sleep on the cold ground covered in snow? Officers from Montgomery County …
Nuns Adopt Unwanted 9-Year-Old Pit Bull From Shelter
After the nuns from Our Lady of Christian Doctrine had lost their dog, they went to their local shelter to find another dog to bring home. They wanted to offer a dog that had little chance of findi…
Boxer Is Communicating His Frustrations After Dad Made Him Leave The Dog Park Too Soon!
It is always a little embarrassing if your child has a temper tantrum when you are out in public. They see something that they want and scream and throw a fit if you saw no. The other shoppers…
Russian Sailors See A Dog Stranded On An Iceberg — And Their Rescue Plan Is Insane
Sometimes animals get themselves into some precarious situations and can’t get themselves out! Cats get stuck in trees and dogs get their heads stuck in the holes in a fence. I have a cat who someh…
Severely Traumatized Dog Makes A Total Life Change That Doctors Were Never Prepared For
It’s hard to believe there are actually people out there who would hurt their dogs. These incredible animals love their humans more than anything, so to take advantage of that love and treat our fo…
Two Women Spot Feral Dog Under A Trailer, Then Realize She’s Pregnant With 5 Puppies
Billie Jean was living under a metal trailer on the side of the road.
While passing by, Angela Perdikis and Shawna Cooper spotted the scruff-covered feral dog and rushed over to help her. The tw…
Burglars Ignore Signs Warning About Two Dogs, Then Meet Them Face-To-Face Inside Home
Getting a dog comes with many benefits, and many dog owners will be happy to list them for you.
Just having our pups around lifts our spirits. After all, there’s a very good reason they are ofte…
Dog Listens To His Brother’s Video Message, Then Freaks Out When He Hears His Voice
It had been a long time since two puppy brothers, Samson and Boomer, had seen each other. They were separated in order to go live with two different families. Although the puppies were far from eac…
After A Bad Experience With This Door, Pup Won’t Go Through It… Even For Treats
When something bad happens to us, it’s hard to face that fear again.
When I was six years old, I got stuck in an elevator. It only lasted about a minute, but for years afterward I always took th…
Owner’s Heartfelt Lullaby Sends Her Dog Off To Dreamland Instantly
When this woman’s dog Tia was a puppy, she used to sing lullabies until the pooch fell asleep in her bed.
Tia’s owner was actually afraid of dogs for a long time, but when she and her roommate a…
Immobile old Pug gets a new lease on life thanks to the magic of socks
Leia the pug found her forever home a little later that most pups do in their life life, but that hasn’t stopped her from enjoying the past two years with her new momma and dad.
Things were …
Pit Bull Abandoned In Grocery Store Parking Lot Becomes Proud K9 Officer
More and more stories are surfacing about how pit bulls are NOT vicious, mean, or unmanageable. There are many stories online about how these animals have overcome obscurity, abandonment, and abuse…
This Christmas Advert Is The Only One You Need To See This Year
John Lewis, the retailer, has found the star of their new holiday advertisement. Introducing Buster, the hound. Biff the Boxer is starting in the retailer’s highly anticipated Christmas advert this…
Man Finds Neighbor’s Dogs After A Devastating Fire Then Realizes What They’re Protecting
Louis Armstrong, from Boise, took a trip to Kamiah, Idaho to check on his family’s property after the wildfires swept through the area. The fire destroyed about 300 acres, and 42 homes were lost. A…