You’ll love this as soon as it starts, but it just gets better and better!
This compilation is proof that Bulldogs are hilarious and awesome! After you watch this, you will want one for sure.
These 13 signs prove that vets have a great sense of humor
Fearless Dog Protects His Injured Girlfriend from an Oncoming Train
A female dog, too injured to move, lay down on some railroad tracks in Ukraine, despite the risk of being hit by (yet another?) train. However, her male companion refused to leave her side, and nud…
Hey, Join Your Friends On PMG! Watch as shelter animals get to pick out gifts from under the tree
A few days before Christmas, the Animal Rescue League of Iowa allowed the shelter animals to pick out some gifts to take back to their kennels a few days early. The dogs and cats are just like litt…
Courageous Man Risks His Own Life and Jumps Into a Frozen Lake to Save a Dog from Drowning
When a small dog was in grave danger of drowning in the icy water of a lake in Crimea, while others stood around watching, one fearless man stripped down to his skivvies to dive in and save it.
Pit Bull Who Died in House Fire Is Brought Back to Life by Hero Firefighters
Molly is perhaps the very definition of “lucky dog.” Firefighters in Charlotte, North Carolina responded to a house fire, and she had to be taken out of the house by first responders. When they b…
Abused Mom and Daughter Who Had to Give Up Dog Get Her Back for Christmas
When a woman being abused by her boyfriend fled with her daughter and dog in tow, her dog was turned away at the shelter. She had to put Cuddles in a kennel, and the costs became too high to get h…
Liberty will get new legs after hers were intentionally cut off
The video (link here, warning: explicit, upsetting, disturbing) of where animal activist Marc Ching discovered Liberty is appalling.
He was working undercover at a slaughterhouse in Cambodia, wh…
Boy Who Doesn’t Even Have Shoes Gives His Sweater to a Cold Street Dog
Studies show that people without a lot of money tend to give more, and it’s probably because unlike most rich people, they know just how it feels to go without. A young boy, believed to be one of …
Dog on a Train Tries to Convince Fellow Passengers That He’s a Person Like Anyone Else
There is nothing better in life to a dog than going for a ride. Except, of course, the destination, as long as it’s somewhere fun. This dog was super happy to be taking a train ride with his huma…
Two Homeless Buddies Are Rescued in the EASIEST Rescue Attempt We’ve Ever Seen!
This adorable bonded pair of homeless dogs called Dill and Pickles no longer have to fend for themselves out on the streets, and given the relative ease with which they were rescued, they seemed to…
Puppy pile up is a fluffy pillow of cuteness!
It must be Monday because all the puppies have piled into one bed! Have you ever seen such a cute bunch of doggies?
French Bulldog challenges Yoda, gets completely owned
A 2-year-old French Bulldog named Ungdee makes the mistake of going to battle against Master Yoda. Hey Ungdee – Not ready, you are!
Doberman extremely excited to open Christmas stocking
Kruz the Doberman clearly knows that the stocking hanging on the wall is for him. He becomes so impatient that his owners are forced to let him open it!