After 4 Days, 400 Dogs And Cats In Carribean Are In Better Health Thanks To Enormous Effort
WA2S films gives us a sneak peek into Operation Punta Cana, a 12 part short film series focused on street dogs in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.
Their massive effort to spay/neuter and vaccinat…
Boxer’s Game Of Fetch Just Got Way Cooler
Playing fetch with your dog is always a ton of fun but when it turns into something that’s fun and cool, well it makes it better than ever!
This adorable boxer is ready for a fun-filled game wit…
“We Didn’t Get the Dog We Wanted – We Got the Dog We Needed”
When George met Bobby-Eagle back in 2014, he never could have known just how everything between them would turn out. Bobby-Eagle was 10 years old back then and suffering with some separation anxie…
Caring Pit Bull adorably snuggles with guinea pigs!
Watch as Pandora, Frida, and Moki enjoy are relaxing cuddle with one another. How amazing is that? So heartwarming!
Five husky puppies try to get to their mom
This mamma husky needs some rest, but the pups need some milk! Watch them adorably try to reach her on the couch. Precious!
Bulldogs in sweaters “help” shovel driveway
These dogs want to assist their owner and help shovel the snow off the driveway… That is until they can decide who goes first!
Basset Hound sings along during violin practice
Bodzio the Basset Hound hilariously breaks out into song as soon as Mishka beings to play her violin. What a dynamic duo!
Samson the Newfoundland dog loving a California downpour!
Samson loves playing in the quickly rising waters, but he’s going to be a handful when it comes time for a bath!
The boy and dog just woke up, and their morning routine will put a smile on your face
You’ve never seen a morning routine as cute as this one! Watch what the boy and dog do after waking up… 😊
Pit bull meets her new kitten sibling, and her reaction is priceless
This dog’s reaction to meeting an orphaned kitten is one of the most heartwarming things I’ve seen!
“This is Molly and she is my one year old pit bull mix. I found this abandoned newborn kitten …
Dad asks to see his Rottweiler’s ‘mean face,’ and the dog doesn’t disappoint
The owner tells his Rottweiler to show his teeth. And then he takes it up a notch by asking him to show his “mean face” and… oh boy!…
Kissy May Be Missing an Eye, but She’s Still Full of Love!
Kissy is our LWD Adoptable Dog of the Day, and she is quite a special dog indeed. She’s been through a lot in her eight years, but despite having lost and eye, she still LOVES people! There’s just …
Abused Wild Dog Transforms into Family Pet
Ralph had been abused and abandoned by his owner and survived by living in trash. Good Samaritans passing by fed him and tried to find ways to save him. Barbara Perrin posted photos of the dog on E…
Woman Discovers Box Containing 19 Abandoned Puppies While on a Run in a Michigan Park
Back on December, 29th, Julie Newman was out for a run at around 9:30am, when she made a discovery she was not at all expecting to. She heard an odd sound, and at first couldn’t place what it was …