This Guy’s Camera Catches The True Nature Of Pitbulls. OMG… You Have To See This.
This dog could not look more innocent and as soon as his owner begins to strum the guitar, we find out just how sweet he can be. The dog starts to lick his face and becomes noticeably excited at th…
This Abandoned Dog Was So Terrified Of Humans. That’s Why I Still Can’t Believe The End…Wow.
Some people really have a way with animals. It starts with patience. This video shows an amazing story of a man and a frightened little dog.
The video starts with a small scruffy skinny dog hudd…
Golden Retriever Puppy Has Fun With Toys Until She Discovers That Door Stops Are Fun, Too!
Oh no! Looks like someone has finally discovered the door stop that’s attached to the wall, and has figured it to be the most interesting toy in the house.
Heroic Dog Sacrifices Its Life to Save a Wedding Party from a Suicide Bomber
Northeastern Nigeria has been terrorized by the radical, militant Islamist group Boko Haram for the last several years, and recently has been hit by a rash of suicide bombers. One such attacker, a…
Dog Found Frostbitten and Emaciated on Shelter’s Doorstep Finds a Forever Family
A dog called Winston, who was found frostbitten, emaciated, with a rope tightly around his neck, and cowering in a bush outside a Pontiac, Michigan animal shelter has been adopted. He only weighed…
Street Dog Always Brings a Present to the Woman Who Feeds Him
We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: you’ll never see as much gratitude as you do in a rescue animal. A street dog in Thailand doesn’t have much to offer, but always brings a leaf to give …
Jinx Wants to Know Who Is Going to Adopt Him!
Happy Friday, everyone! The weekend is almost upon us, and our friends at Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue in Virginia have asked us to feature Jinx as our LWD Adoptable Dog of the Day! Just take one loo…
This tiny Corgi in a sweatshirt attempting to dig a hole in the seat is the cutest thing you’ll see today
Life’s ruff when you’re a tiny pup! After just a split second of attempting to dig a hole in the car seat, this tiny Corgi in a sweatshirt lies down for a nap. Awww… 😍
They thought they were rescuing 8 puppies, but when the pups run inside the cave — oh my
Hope For Paws arrive on scene to rescue eight puppies who’d been living in a cave without a mother. But this epic rescue ends with a big surprise…
Mom asks Ralphie if he was a bad boy today, and how he responds just kills me
Ralphie the Newfoundland ate his brother’s toy, and it’s clear that he’s guilty. Just watch when mom asks if he’s been a bad boy today… 😉
Man asks hotel if he’s allowed to bring his dog and gets a priceless response
A man wrote to the hotel that he planned on staying at while on vacation and asked about bringing his dog along. He said:
“I would very much like to bring my dog with me. He is well-groomed …
17 puppy best friends — because you need more puppies in your life
There’s nothing like having a best friend. The puppies pictured below have found theirs, and it’s way too adorable.
1) Best friends for life.
2) Vanilla and Nutmeg working through some st…
Neighbor yells that there’s another dog in the house. That’s when the firefighter finds her…
A Virginia firefighter rescues a dog from a house fire, but a neighbor says that there’s another dog in the house. The firefighter goes back inside and looks behind the couch. That’s when he sees t…
Big dog carries little dog friend around in a bucket — because that’s what friends are for
This is what friends are for! Watch as the big dog adorably carries around his tiny dog friend in a bucket. I can’t get enough of it! 😊…